IdentifierIdentifiantIdentifikationsnummerIdentificatore | Français | English | Deutsch | Italiano |
THE0004 | Sacrement | Sacrament | Sakrament | Sacramento |
THE0005 | Messe | Mass | Messe | messa |
THE0006 | Enfant | Child | Kind | bambino |
THE0008 | Richesse | Wealth | Reichtum | Ricchezza |
THE0009 | voeu | Vow | Gelübde | Voto |
THE0010 | Roi | King | König | Re |
THE0011 | Mariage | Wedding | Hochzeit | Matrimonio |
THE0012 | Peur | Fear | Angst | Paura |
THE0014 | Diable | Devil | Teufel | Diavolo |
THE0015 | Aumône | Alms | Almosen | Elemosina |
THE0016 | Confession | Confession | Beichte | Confessione |
THE0018 | Chanoine | Canon | Kanoniker | Canonico |
THE0020 | Mort | Death | Tod | Morte |
THE0021 | Tombe | grave | Grab | Tomba |
THE0022 | Purgatoire | Purgatory | Fegefeuer | Purgatorio |
THE0025 | Prière | Prayer | Gebet | Preghiera |
THE0027 | Défunt | Dead | Verstorbene | defunto |
THE0028 | ange | angel | Engel | angelo |
THE0029 | Prêtre | Priest | Priester | Prete |
THE0031 | Conversion | Conversion | Bekehrung | Conversione |
THE0033 | Tournoi | Tournament | Turnier | Torneo |
THE0034 | Vierge Marie | Blessed virgin | die Jungfrau Maria | Madonna |
THE0036 | Baptême | Baptism | Taufe | Battesimo |
THE0037 | Folie | Madness | Irrsinn | pazzia |
THE0038 | Clerc | Clerk | Kleriker | Chierico |
THE0039 | Christ | Christ | Christ | Cristo |
THE0042 | Eucharistie | Eucharist | Eucharistie | eucarestia |
THE0044 | Vin | Wine | Wein | Vino |
THE0047 | Prédication | preaching | Predigen | Predicazione |
THE0048 | Avarice | Avarice | Habsucht | Avarizia |
THE0051 | Eglise | Church | Kirche | Chiesa |
THE0056 | Trinité | Trinity | Dreifaltigkeit | Trinità |
THE0057 | Pendaison | Hanging | Henken | Impiccagione |
THE0058 | Veuve | Widow | Witwe | Vedova |
THE0060 | Juif | Jew | Jude | Ebreo |
THE0063 | Péché | Sin | Sünde | Peccato |
THE0066 | Moine | Monk | Mönch | Monaco |
THE0070 | Cistercien | Cistercian | Zisterzienser | Cistercense |
THE0074 | Chevalier | Knight | Ritter | Cavaliere |
THE0076 | Cheval | Horse | Pferd | Cavallo |
THE0077 | Charité | Charity | Nächstenliebe | Carità |
THE0078 | Bourgeois | Burgher | Bürger | Borghese |
THE0089 | Abbé | Abbot | Abt | Abate |
THE0090 | Luxe | Luxury | Luxus | Lusso |
THE0095 | Curé | Priest | Pfarrer | Curato |
THE0102 | Népotisme | Nepotism | Nepotismus | Nepotismo |
THE0103 | Prélat | Prelate | Prälat | Prelato |
THE0114 | Meurtre | Murder | Mord | assassinio |
THE0122 | Martyr | Martyr | Märtyrer | Martire |
THE0125 | Démon | Demon | Dämon | Demone |
THE0128 | Dominicain | Dominican | Dominikaner | Domenicano |
THE0132 | Voyage | Travel | Reise | Viaggio |
THE0134 | Réconciliation | Reconciliation | Versöhnung | Riconciliazione |
THE0141 | Prédicateur | Preacher | Prediger | Predicatore |
THE0142 | Révélation | Revelation | Offenbarung | rivelazione |
THE0143 | Franciscain | Franciscan | Franziskaner | Francescano |
THE0146 | Simonie | Simony | Simonie | Simonia |
THE0147 | Ermite | hermit | Einsiedler | eremita |
THE0149 | Haine | Hate | Hass | Odio |
THE0157 | Miracle | Miracle | Wunder | Miracolo |
THE0161 | Pape | Pope | Papst | Papa |
THE0162 | Curie | Curia | Kurie | Curia |
THE0163 | Université | University | Universität | Università |
THE0164 | Chancelier | Chancellor | Kanzler | Cancelliere |
THE0165 | Maladie | Illness | Krankheit | Malattia |
THE0166 | Monastère | Monastery | Kloster | monastero |
THE0167 | Pardon | Pardon | Vergebung | Perdono |
THE0169 | Ecole | School | Schule | Scuola |
THE0176 | Prieur | Prior | Prior | Priore |
THE0190 | Crime | Crime | Verbrechen | assassinio |
THE0191 | Voleur | Thief | Dieb | ladro |
THE0194 | Sodomie | Sodomy | Sodomie | Sodomia |
THE0216 | Punition | Punishment | Strafe | Punizione |
THE0217 | Chapelain | Chaplain | Kaplan | Cappellano |
THE0218 | Abbesse | Abbess | Äbtissin | Badessa |
THE0220 | Médecin | Doctor | Arz | Medico |
THE0223 | Blasphème | Blasphemy | Lästerung | Bestemmia |
THE0224 | Jeu | Game | Spiel | Gioco |
THE0239 | Moisson | Harvest | Ernte | Messe |
THE0241 | Mère | Mother | Mutter | Madre |
THE0243 | Père | Father | Vater | Padre |
THE0246 | âme | Soul | Seele | Anima |
THE0251 | Damnation | Damnation | Verdamnis | Dannazione |
THE0269 | Joueur | Gambler | Spieler | Giocatore |
THE0270 | Parjure | Perjury | Meineid | Spergiuro |
THE0271 | Usurier | Usurer | Wucherer | Usuraio |
THE0283 | Consécration | Consecration | Weihe | Consacrazione |
THE0286 | Châtiment | Punishment | Strafe | Pena |
THE0287 | Pécheur | Sinner | Sünder | Peccatore |
THE0292 | Avocat | Advocate | Anwalt | Avvocato |
THE0317 | commerce | trade | Handel | commercio |
THE0319 | luxure | luxury | Unzucht | lussuria |
THE0321 | pauvreté | poverty | Armut | povertà |
THE0323 | pauvre | poor | Arme | povero |
THE0325 | riche | rich | reich | ricco |
THE0335 | livre | book | Buch | libro |
THE0353 | Réputation | Fame | Ruf | Fama |
THE0361 | Corps | Body | Körper | Corpo |
THE0367 | Marchand | Merchant | Kaufmann | Mercante |
THE0372 | Générosité | Generosity | Grossmut | Generosità |
THE0378 | Adultère | Adultery | Ehebruch | Adulterio |
THE0379 | Pénitence | Penance | Busse | Penitenza |
THE0384 | Judaïsme | Judaism | Judentum | Ebraismo |
THE0388 | Nourriture | Food | Nahrung | Cibo |
THE0390 | Armée | Army | Heer | Esercito |
THE0394 | Astrologie | Astrology | Astrologie | Astrologia |
THE0397 | Bible | Bible | Bibel | Bibbia |
THE0410 | Amour | Love | Liebe | Amore |
THE0411 | Jugement dernier | Last Judgment | Endgericht | Giudizio universale |
THE0412 | Jugement | Judgment | Urteil | Giudizio |
THE0416 | Coutume | Custom | Sitte | consuetudine |
THE0421 | Usure | Usury | Wucher | Usura |
THE0433 | Art | Art | Kunst | Arte |
THE0437 | Guerre | War | Krieg | Guerra |
THE0438 | Rituel | Ritual | Ritual | Rituale |
THE0440 | Mémoire | Memory | Gedächtniss | Memoria |
THE0445 | Vanité | Vanity | Eitelkeit | Vanità |
THE0446 | Hérésie | Heresy | Häresie | Eresia |
THE0452 | épice | Spice | Gewürz | Spezie |
THE0456 | Sang | Blood | Blut | sangue |
THE0474 | Eau | Water | Wasser | acqua |
THE0480 | Viande | Meat | Fleisch | carne |
THE0483 | Enfer | Hell | Hölle | Inferno |
THE0485 | Bateau | Boat | Schiff | Nave |
THE0491 | Lèpre | Leprosy | Lepra | Lebbra |
THE0495 | Prison | Jail | Gefängniss | Prigione |
THE0497 | Fruit | Fruit | Frucht | Frutto |
THE0498 | Pluie | Rain | Regen | Pioggia |
THE0499 | Gourmandise | gluttony | Gefrässigkeit | golosità |
THE0502 | Paradis | Heaven | Paradis | Paradiso |
THE0506 | Lessive | Washing | Waschen | lavaggio |
THE0512 | Plume | Feather | Feder | Penna |
THE0515 | Noblesse | Nobility | Adel | Nobiltà |
THE0518 | Animal | Animal | Tier | Animale |
THE0519 | Miroir | Mirror | Spiegel | Specchio |
THE0527 | Pressoir | Winepress | Kelter | Torchio |
THE0529 | Chair | Flesh | Fleisch | Carne |
THE0530 | Vérité | Truth | Warheit | Verità |
THE0531 | Colère | Anger | Zorn | Ira |
THE0532 | Cire | Wax | Wachs | Cera |
THE0538 | Résurrection | Resurrection | Auferstehung | Resurrezione |
THE0543 | Hostie | Host | Hostie | Ostia |
THE0544 | Paix | Peace | Friede | Pace |
THE0550 | Baiser | Kiss | Kuss | Bacio |
THE0552 | Médecine | Medicine | Medizin | Medicina |
THE0561 | chartreux | cartusian | Karthäuser | certosino |
THE0565 | ivresse | drunkenness | Betrunkenheit | ubriachezza |
THE0569 | éducation | education | Erziehung | educazione |
THE0572 | pacte | pact | Pakt | patto |
THE0575 | suicide | suicide | Selbstmord | suicidio |
THE0598 | testament | testament | Testament | testamento |
THE0599 | justice | justice | Gerechtigkeit | giustizia |
THE0602 | cadavre | cadaver | Leiche | cadavere |
THE0606 | taverne | inn | Kneipe | taverna |
THE0612 | notaire | notary | Notar | notaio |
THE0630 | excommunication | excommunication | Exkommunikation | scomunica |
THE0631 | vol | theft | Diebstahl | furto |
THE0632 | Frise | Frise | Fries | Frisa |
THE0633 | tempérance | temperance | Mässigkeit | temperanza |
THE0634 | vieillesse | old age | Alter | vecchiaia |
THE0635 | Jacob | Jacob | Jakob | Giacobbe |
THE0636 | Simon | Simon | Simon | Simone |
THE0637 | champ | field | Feld | campo |
THE0638 | visage | face | Gesicht | viso |
THE0639 | oisiveté | idleness | Müssiggang | ozio |
THE0640 | gyrovague | wandering monk | Wandermönch | girovago |
THE0641 | papauté | papacy | Papsttum | papato |
THE0642 | abstinence | abstinence | Enthaltsamkeit | astinenza |
THE0643 | festin | banquet | Schmaus | festino |
THE0644 | hospitalité | hospitality | Gastlichkeit | ospitalità |
THE0645 | cathédrale | cathedral | Dom | cattedrale |
THE0646 | oeuf | egg | Ei | uovo |
THE0647 | époux | husband | Gatte | marito |
THE0648 | Chartres | Chartres | Chartres | Chartres |
THE0649 | porc | pig | Schwein | maiale |
THE0650 | Vaucelles | Vaucelles | Vaucelles | Vaucelles |
THE0651 | laïc | lay | Laie | laico |
THE0652 | Adam de Saint-Victor | Adam of Saint-Victor | Adam von Sankt Viktor | Adamo da San Vittore |
THE0653 | Jean Baptiste | John the Baptist | Johannes der Täufer | Giovanni Battista |
THE0654 | Turin | Turin | Turin | Torino |
THE0655 | rivière | river | Fluss | fiume |
THE0656 | Foigny | Foigny | Foigny | Foigny |
THE0657 | vierge | virgin | jungfer | vergine |
THE0658 | Louis | Louis | Ludwig | Luigi |
THE0659 | maléfice | charm | Bezauberung | maleficio |
THE0660 | doyen | deacon | Dekan | decano |
THE0661 | esclave | slave | Sklave | schiavo |
THE0662 | pirate | pirate | Seeräuber | pirata |
THE0663 | lévitation | levitation | Schweben | levitazione |
THE0664 | Valenciennes | Valenciennes | Valenciennes | Valenciennes |
THE0665 | viatique | viaticum | Viaticum | viatico |
THE0666 | Cluny | Cluny | Cluny | Cluny |
THE0667 | Justine | Justine | Justine | Giustina |
THE0668 | médisance | gossip | Verleumdung | maldicenza |
THE0669 | exemplum | exemplum | Exemplum | exemplum |
THE0670 | Anglais | English | englisch | Inglese |
THE0671 | Pâques | Easter | Osterfest | Pasqua |
THE0672 | louange | praise | Lob | lode |
THE0673 | complies | compline | Komplete | compieta |
THE0674 | office | office | Gottesdienst | ufficio |
THE0675 | revenant | ghost | Gespenster | fantasma |
THE0676 | duchesse | duchess | Herzogin | duchessa |
THE0677 | étude | study | Lernen | studio |
THE0678 | comtesse | countess | Gräfin | contessa |
THE0679 | épilepsie | epilepsy | Epilepsie | epilessia |
THE0680 | dé | dice | Würfel | dado |
THE0681 | flèche | arrow | Pfeil | freccia |
THE0682 | assassin | murderer | Mörder | assassino |
THE0683 | Sens | Sens | Sens | Sens |
THE0684 | salut | salvation | Heil | salvezza |
THE0685 | Thierry | Thierry | Dietrich | Teodorico |
THE0686 | relique | relic | Reliquie | reliquia |
THE0687 | Hildesheim | Hildesheim | Hildesheim | Hildesheim |
THE0688 | neveu | nephew | Neffe | nipote |
THE0689 | trentain | trentain | dreissig Messen | trentina |
THE0690 | duc | duke | Herzog | duca |
THE0691 | castration | castration | Verschneidung | castrazione |
THE0692 | goinfrerie | pigginess | Verfressenheit | ingordigia |
THE0693 | musicien | musician | Musiker | musicante |
THE0694 | insecte | insect | Insekt | insetto |
THE0695 | messager | messenger | Bote | messaggero |
THE0696 | aspect | aspect | Erscheinung | aspetto |
THE0697 | offense | offence | Beleidigung | offesa |
THE0698 | infirmité | infirmity | Gebrechlichkeit | infermità |
THE0699 | temps | weather | Wetter | tempo |
THE0700 | Téon | Teon | Teon | Teone |
THE0701 | Amun | Amun | Amun | Amun |
THE0702 | torture | torture | Folter | tortura |
THE0703 | patience | patience | Geduld | pazienza |
THE0704 | cécité | blindness | Blindheit | cecità |
THE0705 | Redenta | Redenta | Redenta | Redenta |
THE0706 | moquerie | mockery | Spott | derisione |
THE0707 | Patriarche | patriarch | Patriarch | patriarca |
THE0708 | sévérité | severity | Strenge | severità |
THE0709 | ascèse | asceticism | Askese | ascesi |
THE0710 | Sarah | Sarah | Sarah | Sarra |
THE0711 | désert | desert | Wüste | deserto |
THE0712 | Agathon | Agathon | Agathon | Agatone |
THE0713 | langue | tongue | Zunge | lingua |
THE0714 | hôte | host | Gastgeber | oste |
THE0715 | serment | oath | Eid | giuramento |
THE0716 | don | gift | Gabe | dono |
THE0717 | intolérance | intolerance | Unduldsamkeit | insofferenza |
THE0718 | litige | dispute | Streit | litigio |
THE0719 | bavardage | talking | Geschwätzigkeit | chiacchiera |
THE0720 | renoncement | renunciation | Entsagung | rinuncia |
THE0721 | secret | secret | Geheimnis | segreto |
THE0722 | cardinal | cardinal | Kardinal | cardinale |
THE0723 | cimetière | cemetery | Friedhof | cimitero |
THE0724 | ruse | trick | List | astuzia |
THE0725 | illusion | illusion | Vorspiegelung | illusione |
THE0726 | saint Thomas de Canterbury | saint Thomas of Canterbury | Sankt Thomas von Canterbury | san Tommaso di Canterbury |
THE0727 | coquetterie | coquetry | Eitelkeit | civetteria |
THE0728 | Pétronille | Petronilla | Petronilla | Petronilla |
THE0729 | manteau | coat | Mantel | cappotto |
THE0730 | pierre | stone | Stein | pietra |
THE0731 | ignorance | ignorance | Unwissenheit | ignoranza |
THE0732 | appel | appeal | Ruf | appello |
THE0733 | théologien | theologian | Theologe | teologo |
THE0734 | Sylvestre II | Sylvester II | Sylvester d. II. | Silvestro II |
THE0735 | samedi saint | good saturday | Karsamstag | sabato santo |
THE0736 | brigand | thief | Räuber | brigante |
THE0737 | Stilpone | Stilpone | Stiponius | Stilpone |
THE0738 | impatience | impatience | Ungeduld | impazienza |
THE0739 | Poemon | Poemon | Poemon | Pemen |
THE0740 | Nativité | Nativity | Geburt Christi | Natività |
THE0741 | arianisme | arianism | Arianismus | arianesimo |
THE0742 | Bazas | Bazas | Bazas | Bazas |
THE0743 | légat | legate | Legat | legato |
THE0744 | Eutichio | Eutichius | Eutichius | Eutichio |
THE0745 | Placide | Placidius | Placidus | Placido |
THE0746 | jeunesse | youth | Jugend | giovinezza |
THE0747 | épine | thorn | Dorn | spina |
THE0748 | Serenus | Serenus | Serenus | Sereno |
THE0749 | fornication | fornication | Hurerei | fornicazione |
THE0750 | psalmodie | psalmody | Psalmodie | salmodia |
THE0751 | vengeance | revenge | Rache | vendetta |
THE0752 | urine | urine | Urin | urina |
THE0753 | vieille | old woman | Alte | vecchia |
THE0754 | discorde | discord | Zwietracht | discordia |
THE0756 | vigne | vineyard | Rebe | vigna |
THE0757 | absinthe | absinth | Absinth | assenzio |
THE0759 | voix | voice | Stimme | voce |
THE0760 | idolâtrie | idolatry | Götzendienst | idolatria |
THE0762 | cuisine | cooking | Küche | cucina |
THE0763 | ville | town | Stadt | città |
THE0764 | ami | friend | Freund | amico |
THE0765 | nourrisson | baby | Säugling | bambino |
THE0766 | trahison | treason | Verrat | tradimento |
THE0768 | fidélité | fidelity | Treue | fedeltà |
THE0769 | paresse | laziness | Faulheit | pigrizia |
THE0770 | Prudence | Prudence | Behutsamkeit | Prudenza |
THE0771 | nudité | nudity | Nacktheit | nudità |
THE0772 | icône | icon | Ikone | icona |
THE0773 | guérison | recovery | Genesung | guarigione |
THE0774 | prostituée | prostitute | Hure | prostituta |
THE0775 | crâne | skul | Schädel | teschio |
THE0776 | Serlo | Serlo | Serlo | Serlo |
THE0777 | prince | prince | Prinz | principe |
THE0778 | cercueil | coffin | Sarg | feretro |
THE0779 | auberge | inn | Wirtshaus | albergatore |
THE0780 | ordre | order | Orden | ordine |
THE0781 | matricide | matricide | Muttermord | matricidio |
THE0782 | hérétique | heretic | Häretiker | eretico |
THE0783 | étoupe | tow | Werg | stoppa |
THE0784 | empereur | emperor | Kaiser | imperatore |
THE0785 | Cicéron | Cicero | Cicero | Cicerone |
THE0786 | saint homme | holy man | ein frommer Mensch | sant'uomo |
THE0787 | calamité | calamity | Unheil | calamità |
THE0788 | mutilation | mutilation | Verstümmelung | mutilazione |
THE0789 | ermitage | hermitage | Einsiedelei | eremitaggio |
THE0790 | martyre | martyrdom | Marter | martirio |
THE0791 | mensonge | lie | Lüge | bugia |
THE0792 | héritage | inheritance | Erbe | eredità |
THE0793 | Julien l'Apostat | Julian the Apostate | Julianus Apostata | Giuliano l'Apostata |
THE0794 | idole | idole | Götze | idolo |
THE0795 | nature | nature | Natur | natura |
THE0796 | squelette | skeleton | Skelett | scheletro |
THE0797 | union | union | Vereinigung | unione |
THE0798 | fermeté | firmness | Beständigkeit | fermezza |
THE0799 | faiblesse | weakness | Schwäche | debolezza |
THE0800 | esprit | spirit | Geist | spirito |
THE0801 | douleur | pain | Schmerz | dolore |
THE0802 | repentir | repentance | Reue | pentimento |
THE0803 | dispute | discussion | Streit | disputa |
THE0804 | honneur | honor | Ehre | onore |
THE0805 | naissance | birth | Geburt | nascita |
THE0806 | fête | feast | Fest | festa |
THE0807 | monnaie | money | Münze | denaro |
THE0808 | Scipion l'Africain | Scipio Africanus | Scipio Afrikanus | Scipione l'Africano |
THE0809 | Romain | Roman | Römer | Romano |
THE0810 | récompense | reward | Belohnung | ricompensa |
THE0811 | poison | poison | Gift | veleno |
THE0812 | au-delà | hereafter | Jenseits | aldilà |
THE0813 | mélancolie | melancholy | Wehmut | malinconia |
THE0814 | Coran | Koran | Koran | Corano |
THE0815 | évangélisation | evangelisation | Evangelisierung | evangelizzazione |
THE0816 | Hélène | Helen | Helena | Elena |
THE0817 | Xerxès | Xerxes | Xerxes | Serse |
THE0818 | sage | wise man | Weiser | saggio |
THE0819 | pèlerin | pilgrim | Pilger | pellegrino |
THE0820 | Catane | Catana | Catania | Catania |
THE0821 | amitié | friendship | Freundschaft | amicizia |
THE0822 | sanglier | boar | Wildschwein | cinghiale |
THE0823 | Allemagne | Germany | Deutschland | Germania |
THE0824 | métier | trade | Gewerbe | mestiere |
THE0825 | corporation | corporation | Körperschaft | corporazione |
THE0826 | faucon | falcon | Falken | falcone |
THE0827 | thon | tuna | Thunfisch | tonno |
THE0828 | textile | textile | Textilien | tessile |
THE0829 | arme | weapon | Waffe | arma |
THE0830 | Goliath | Goliath | Goliath | Golia |
THE0831 | présage | omen | Omen | presagio |
THE0832 | Epicure | Epicure | Epikur | Epicuro |
THE0833 | patient | patient | geduldig | paziente |
THE0834 | feuille | leaf | Blatt | foglia |
THE0835 | lunettes | glasses | Brillen | occhiali |
THE0836 | faim | hunger | Hunger | fame |
THE0837 | estomac | stomach | Magen | stomaco |
THE0838 | tambour | drum | Trommel | tamburo |
THE0839 | carrefour | cross-roads | Kreuzung | incrocio |
THE0841 | famine | famine | Hungersnot | fame |
THE0842 | paon | peacock | Pfau | pavone |
THE0843 | ombre | shadow | Schatten | ombra |
THE0844 | vinaigre | vinegar | Essig | aceto |
THE0845 | chambre | room | Zimmer | camera |
THE0846 | samedi | saturday | Samstag | sabato |
THE0847 | air | air | Luft | aria |
THE0848 | Michel | Michael | Michel | Michele |
THE0849 | attrition | attrition | Attritio | attrizione |
THE0850 | boeuf | beef | Rind | bue |
THE0851 | victoire | victory | Sieg | vittoria |
THE0852 | Midas | Midas | Midas | Midas |
THE0853 | fille | daughter | Tochter | figlia |
THE0854 | lime | file | Feile | lima |
THE0855 | croix | cross | Kreuz | croce |
THE0856 | fleur | flower | Blume | fiore |
THE0857 | mite | moth | Motte | tarma |
THE0858 | fonction | function | Funktion | funzione |
THE0859 | parenté | relationship | Verwandtschaft | parentela |
THE0860 | Thamaris | Thamaris | Thamaris | Thamaris |
THE0861 | or | gold | Gold | oro |
THE0862 | vent | wind | Wind | vento |
THE0863 | tour | tower | Turm | torre |
THE0866 | brebis | sheep | Schaf | pecora |
THE0867 | Abraham | Abraham | Abraham | Abramo |
THE0868 | puits | well | Brunnen | pozzo |
THE0869 | famille | family | Familie | famiglia |
THE0871 | maison | house | Haus | casa |
THE0872 | incantation | incantation | Zauberspruch | incantesimo |
THE0873 | Belzebuth | Belzebuth | Belzebut | Belzebù |
THE0874 | santé | health | Gesundheit | sanità |
THE0875 | condamnation | condamnation | Verurteilung | condanna |
THE0876 | Solon | Solon | Solon | Solon |
THE0877 | anxiété | anxiety | Ängstlichkeit | ansietà |
THE0879 | olive | olive | Olive | oliva |
THE0880 | prodige | wonder | Wunder | prodigio |
THE0881 | arc | bow | Bogen | arco |
THE0882 | Caton | Cato | Kato | Catone |
THE0883 | société | society | Gesellschaft | società |
THE0884 | philosophie | philosophy | Philosophie | filosofia |
THE0885 | Lia | Lia | Lia | Lia |
THE0886 | verre | glass | Glas | vetro |
THE0887 | Aman | Aman | Haman | Aman |
THE0889 | myrrhe | myrrh | Myrrhe | mirra |
THE0890 | vigile | watchman | Vigil | guardia |
THE0891 | patrie | homeland | Heimat | patria |
THE0892 | chauve-souris | bat | Fledermaus | pipistrello |
THE0893 | pré | meadow | Wiese | prato |
THE0894 | Nabuchodonosor | Nabuchodonosor | Nabukadnezar | Nabucodonosor |
THE0895 | chasseur | hunter | Jäger | cacciatore |
THE0896 | âne | donkey | Esel | asino |
THE0897 | pélican | pelican | Pelikan | pellicano |
THE0898 | arche | ark | Bundesladen | arco |
THE0899 | humeur | humour | Säfte | umore |
THE0900 | autel | altar | Altar | altare |
THE0901 | cloche | bell | Glocke | campana |
THE0902 | Marie Salomé | Mary Salomé | Maria Salomé | Maria Salomé |
THE0903 | discernement | discernment | Unterscheidungsvermögen | discernimento |
THE0904 | coq | cock | Hahn | gallo |
THE0905 | modération | moderation | Mass | moderazione |
THE0906 | bouche | mouth | Mund | bocca |
THE0907 | province | province | Provinz | provincia |
THE0908 | solidarité | solidarity | Solidarität | solidarietà |
THE0909 | Hébreux | Hebrew | Hebräer | Ebreo |
THE0910 | épouse | wife | Gattin | moglie |
THE0911 | mitre | mitre | Mitra | mitra |
THE0912 | larron | thief | Schächer | ladrone |
THE0913 | éponge | sponge | Schwamm | spugna |
THE0914 | Nicodème | Nicodeme | Nikodemus | Nicodemo |
THE0915 | évangile | Gospel | Evangelium | vangelo |
THE0916 | signe de croix | sign of cross | Kreuzzeichen | segno della croce |
THE0917 | sultan | sultan | Sultan | sultano |
THE0918 | canon | canon | Kanon | canone |
THE0919 | danger | danger | Gefahr | pericoloso |
THE0920 | destitution | deposition | Amtsenthebung | destituzione |
THE0921 | dot | dowry | Mitgift | dote |
THE0922 | royaume | realm | Königreich | regno |
THE0923 | compassion | compassion | Mitleid | compassione |
THE0924 | Richard | Richard | Richard | Riccardo |
THE0925 | Charlemagne | Charlemagne | Karl der Grosse | Carlomagno |
THE0926 | carême | Lent | Fastenzeit | Quaresima |
THE0927 | geste | gesture | Bewegung | gesto |
THE0928 | persévérance | perseverance | Standhaftigkeit | perseveranza |
THE0929 | Seine | Seine | Seine | Senna |
THE0930 | épreuve | hardship | Prüfung | prova |
THE0931 | Frédéric II | Frederic II | Friedrich II. | Federico II |
THE0932 | chat | cat | Katze | gatto |
THE0933 | forêt | forest | Wald | foresta |
THE0934 | fraude | fraud | Betrug | frode |
THE0935 | bordel | brothel | Bordell | bordello |
THE0936 | chaîne | chain | Kette | catena |
THE0937 | paternité | paternity | Vaterschaft | paternità |
THE0938 | Troyes | Troyes | Troyes | Troyes |
THE0939 | Vincennes | Vincennes | Vincennes | Vincennes |
THE0940 | Damas | Damas | Damaskus | Damas |
THE0941 | nuit | night | Nacht | notte |
THE0942 | domestique | servant | Diener | domestico |
THE0943 | protection | protection | Schutz | protezione |
THE0944 | Pavie | Pavie | Pavia | Pavia |
THE0945 | Lille | Lille | Lille | Lille |
THE0946 | prieure | prioress | Priorin | priora |
THE0947 | traître | traitor | Verräter | traditore |
THE0948 | Calvaire | calvary | Leidensweg Christi | calvario |
THE0949 | Mayence | Mayence | Mainz | Magonza |
THE0950 | stigmates | stigmata | Wundmal | stimmate |
THE0951 | château | castle | Burg | castello |
THE0952 | somnanbulisme | sleepwalking | Nachtwandel | sonnambulismo |
THE0953 | lecture | reading | Lesen | lettura |
THE0954 | Honorius | Honorius | Honorius | Onorio |
THE0955 | livre de vie | Book of life | Lebensbuch | Libro del destino |
THE0956 | cellier | storeroom | Weinkeller | dispensa |
THE0957 | apôtre | apostle | Apostel | apostolo |
THE0958 | corruption | corruption | Verderbtheit | corruzione |
THE0959 | Ancien Testament | Old Testament | Alte Testament | Vecchio Testamento |
THE0960 | Orléans | Orleans | Orleans | Orleans |
THE0962 | parent | parent | Eltern | parente |
THE0963 | procession | procession | Prozession | processione |
THE0964 | privilège | privilege | Privilegium | privilegio |
THE0965 | Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis |
THE0966 | ennemi | ennemy | Feind | nemico |
THE0967 | Moselle | Moselle | Mosel | Moselle |
THE0968 | rose | rose | Rose | rosa |
THE0969 | Blois | Blois | Blois | Blois |
THE0970 | moulin | mill | Mühle | mulino |
THE0971 | De profundis | De profundis | De profundis | De profundis |
THE0972 | procréation | procreation | Zeugung | procreazione |
THE0973 | Jean l'Evangéliste | John the Evangelist | Johannes der Evangelist | Giovani Evangelista |
THE0976 | évéché | bishopric | Bistum | vescovado |
THE0977 | désir | desire | Begehren | desiderio |
THE0978 | pierre précieuse | gem | Edelstein | pietra preziosa |
THE0979 | charpentier | carpenter | Zimmermann | carpentiere |
THE0980 | orpheline | orphan | Waise | orfana |
THE0981 | goutte | gout | Gicht | goccia |
THE0982 | Jean de Nivelles | John of Nivelles | Johannes von Nivelles | Giovanni da Nivelles |
THE0983 | tierce | tierce | Tertie | terza |
THE0984 | conseil | advice | Rat | consiglio |
THE0985 | prébende | prebend | Pfründe | prebenda |
THE0986 | communion | communion | heilige Kommunion (die) | comunione |
THE0987 | pèlerinage | pilgrimage | Pilgerfahrt | pellegrinaggio |
THE0988 | Te Deum | Te Deum | Te Deum | Te Deum |
THE0989 | chanteuse | singer | Sängerin | cantante |
THE0990 | Tartare | Tartar | Tartarus | Tartaro |
THE0991 | matines | matins | Frühmette | mattutino |
THE0992 | tunique | tunic | Tunika | tunica |
THE0993 | Cantimpré | Cantimpré | Cantimpré | Cantimpré |
THE0994 | célébrité | celebrity | Berühmtheit | celebrità |
THE0995 | hécatombe | hecatomb | Hekatombe | ecatombe |
THE0996 | boulanger | baker | Bäcker | fornaio |
THE0997 | combat | fight | Kampf | combattimento |
THE0998 | archevêque | archbishop | Erzbischof | arcivescovo |
THE0999 | hôpital | hospital | Spital | ospedale |
THE1001 | flamme | flame | Flamme | fiamma |
THE1002 | foudre | lightning | Blitz | fulmine |
THE1003 | pollution nocturne | nocturnal emission | Samenerguss | polluzione notturna |
THE1004 | coït | coitus | Koitus | coito |
THE1005 | mépris | contempt | Verachtung | disprezzo |
THE1006 | contrition | contrition | Reue | contrizione |
THE1007 | lamentation | lamentation | Klage | lamento |
THE1008 | force | strength | Kraft | forza |
THE1009 | violence | violence | Gewalt | violenza |
THE1010 | propriété | property | Besitz | proprietà |
THE1011 | cellule | cell | Zelle | cella |
THE1012 | buisson | bush | Busch | roveto |
THE1013 | bénédiction | benediction | Segen | benedizione |
THE1014 | admonition | admonition | Ermahnung | ammonimento |
THE1015 | prospérité | prosperity | Wohlstand | prosperità |
THE1016 | dette | debt | Schuld | debito |
THE1017 | restitution | restitution | Rückgabe | restituzione |
THE1018 | sincérité | sincerity | Aufrichtigkeit | sincerità |
THE1019 | ingratitude | ingratitude | Undankbarkeit | ingratitudine |
THE1020 | ours | bear | Bär | orso |
THE1021 | Alexandrie | Alexandria | Alexandria | Alessandria |
THE1022 | Apollon | Apollo | Apollo | Apollo |
THE1023 | confiance | confidence | Vertrauen | fiducia |
THE1024 | Paschase | Paschasius | Paschasius | Pascazio |
THE1025 | Todi | Todi | Todi | Todi |
THE1026 | parrain | godfather | Pate | padrino |
THE1027 | jour | day | Tag | giorno |
THE1028 | soleil | sun | Sonne | sole |
THE1029 | négligence | negligence | Nachlässigkeit | negligenza |
THE1030 | Dionide | Dionide | Dionides | Dionide |
THE1031 | couteau | knife | Messer | coltello |
THE1032 | délai | delay | Frist | dilazione |
THE1033 | Coenred | Coenred | Coenred | Coenred |
THE1034 | sentence | sentence | Sentenz | sentenza |
THE1035 | Thomas | Thomas | Thomas | Tommaso |
THE1036 | ordalie | ordeal | Gottesurteil | ordalia |
THE1037 | four | oven | Ofen | forno |
THE1038 | parricide | parricide | Elternmord | parricidio |
THE1039 | fou | fool | irrsinnig | pazzo |
THE1040 | peste | plague | Pest | pestilenza |
THE1041 | miséricorde | mercy | Barmherzigkeit | misericordia |
THE1042 | Maure | Maurus | Maurus | Mauro |
THE1043 | huile | oil | Öl | olio |
THE1044 | Fondi | Fondi | Fondi | Fondi |
THE1045 | testicules | testicals | Hoden | testicoli |
THE1046 | ceinture | belt | Gürtel | cintura |
THE1047 | seigneur | lord | Herr | signore |
THE1048 | débat | contest | Wortstreit | dibattito |
THE1050 | obscénité | obscenity | Unzüchtigkeit | oscenità |
THE1051 | sottise | stupidity | Dummheit | sciocchezza |
THE1052 | indulgence | indulgence | Nachsicht | indulgenza |
THE1053 | Pater noster | Pater noster | Pater noster | Pater noster |
THE1054 | écrit | writing | Schrift | scritto |
THE1056 | bois | wood | Holz | legna |
THE1057 | païen | pagan | Heide | pagano |
THE1058 | élève | pupil | Schüler | scolaro |
THE1059 | fortune | wealth | Glück | fortuna |
THE1060 | interrogation | question | Frage | quaestio |
THE1061 | saint François | saint Francis | der heilige Franziskus | san Francesco |
THE1062 | couronnement | coronation | Krönung | incoronazione |
THE1063 | théâtre | theatre | Theater | teatro |
THE1064 | supplique | petition | Bittschrift | supplica |
THE1065 | contemplation | contemplation | Betrachtung | contemplazione |
THE1066 | soumission | submission | Unterwerfung | sottomissione |
THE1067 | omniscience | omniscience | Allwissenheit | onniscienza |
THE1068 | enseignement | teaching | Lehre | insegnamento |
THE1069 | échelle spirituelle | spiritual ladder | geistliche Stufenleiter | scala spirituale |
THE1070 | Inde | India | Indien | India |
THE1071 | âge | age | Alter | età |
THE1072 | création | creation | Schöpfung | creazione |
THE1073 | sainte Cécile | saint Cecilia | die heilige Cäcilia | santa Cecilia |
THE1074 | tyran | tyrant | Tyrann | tiranno |
THE1075 | agonie | agony | Todeskampf | agonia |
THE1076 | magicien | magician | Zauberer | mago |
THE1077 | rire | laugh | Lachen | riso |
THE1078 | couronne | crown | Krone | corona |
THE1079 | échange | exchange | Austauch | scambio |
THE1080 | communauté | community | Gemeinschaft | comunità |
THE1081 | nécessité | necessity | Notwendigkeit | necessità |
THE1082 | Amazones | Amazons | Amazone | Amazzoni |
THE1083 | évasion | evasion | Flucht | evasione |
THE1084 | persécution | persecution | Verfolgung | persecuzione |
THE1085 | supplice | torture | Qual | supplizio |
THE1086 | Constantin | Constantine | Konstantin | Costantino |
THE1087 | sibylle de Tibur | sibyl of Tibur | die Seherin von Tibur | sibilla Tiburtina |
THE1088 | Etna | Etna | Etna | Etna |
THE1089 | baron | baron | Freiherr | barone |
THE1090 | loi | law | Gesetz | legge |
THE1091 | prisonnier | prisoner | Gefangene | prigioniero |
THE1092 | ivrogne | drunkard | Saüfer | ubriaco |
THE1093 | blessure | injury | Wunde | ferita |
THE1094 | armure | armour | Rüstung | armatura |
THE1095 | béatitude | beatitude | Seligkeit | beatitudine |
THE1096 | suggestion | suggestion | Anregung | suggestione |
THE1097 | laideur | ugliness | Abscheulichkeit | bruttezza |
THE1098 | accouchement | delivery | gebären | parto |
THE1099 | privation | deprivation | Entbehrung | privazione |
THE1100 | filet | net | Netz | rete |
THE1101 | élément | element | Element | elemento |
THE1102 | chaussure | shoe | Schuh | scarpa |
THE1103 | superstition | superstition | Aberglauben | superstizione |
THE1104 | soif | thirst | Durst | sete |
THE1105 | imagination | imagination | Einbildungskraft | immaginazione |
THE1106 | chemin | road | Weg | cammino |
THE1107 | lettre | letter | Brief | lettera |
THE1108 | engrais | manure | Dünger | concime |
THE1109 | cri | cry | Schrei | grido |
THE1110 | instabilité | instability | Unbeständigkeit | instabilità |
THE1111 | végétation | vegetation | Pflanzenwuchs | vegetazione |
THE1112 | épée | sword | Schwert | spada |
THE1113 | tonneau | barrel | Fass | botte |
THE1114 | paralysie | paralysis | Lähmung | paralisi |
THE1115 | écurie | stable | Stall | scuderia |
THE1116 | séduction | seduction | Verführung | seduzione |
THE1117 | nuage | cloud | Wolke | nube |
THE1118 | cèdre | cedar | Zeder | cedro |
THE1119 | Benjamin | Benjamin | Benjamin | Beniamino |
THE1120 | doctrine | doctrine | Lehre | dottrina |
THE1121 | putréfaction | putrefaction | Verwesung | putrefazione |
THE1122 | fourmi | ant | Ameise | formica |
THE1123 | disciple | disciple | Schüler | discepolo |
THE1124 | tête | head | Haupt | testa |
THE1125 | Lucifer | Lucifer | Luzifer | Lucifero |
THE1126 | poussière | dust | Staub | polvere |
THE1127 | ciel | sky | Himmel | cielo |
THE1128 | graisse | fat | Fett | grasso |
THE1129 | cour | court | Hof | corte |
THE1130 | rocher | rock | Felsen | scoglio |
THE1131 | concupiscence | concupiscence | Lüsternheit | concupiscenza |
THE1132 | lapidation | lapidation | Steinigung | lapidazione |
THE1133 | cordonnier | cobbler | Schuster | calzolaio |
THE1134 | Xenocrate | Xenocrate | Xenokrates | Senocrate |
THE1135 | fertilité | fertility | Fruchtbarkeit | fertilità |
THE1136 | herbe | grass | Grass | erba |
THE1137 | oeuvre | work | Werk | opera |
THE1138 | sable | sand | Sand | sabbia |
THE1139 | nom | name | Name | nome |
THE1140 | fièvre | fever | Fieber | febbre |
THE1141 | source | spring | Quelle | fonte |
THE1142 | adulation | adulation | Schmeichelei | adulazione |
THE1143 | fidèle | believer | treu | fedele |
THE1144 | sculpture | sculpture | Skulptur | scultura |
THE1145 | vendange | vintage | Weinlese | vendemmia |
THE1146 | Rachel | Rachel | Rachel | Rachel |
THE1147 | trône | throne | Thron | trono |
THE1148 | plomb | lead | Blei | piombo |
THE1149 | divinité | divinity | Göttlichkeit | divinità |
THE1150 | André | Andrew | Andreas | Andrea |
THE1151 | poussin | chick | Küken | pulcino |
THE1152 | cochon | pig | Schwein | maiale |
THE1153 | fer | iron | Eisen | ferro |
THE1154 | Pharaon | Pharaon | Pharao | Faraone |
THE1155 | sentinelle | sentinel | Wachposten | sentinella |
THE1156 | raison | reason | Verstand | ragione |
THE1157 | trésor | treasure | Schatz | tesoro |
THE1158 | Codrus | Codrus | Codrus | Codro |
THE1159 | Oza | Oza | Oza | Oza |
THE1160 | salade | salad | Salad | insalata |
THE1161 | sein | breast | Busen | seno |
THE1162 | Marie Jacobé | Mary Jacobé | Maria Jacobé | Maria Jacobé |
THE1163 | insigne | emblem | Insignien | insegna |
THE1164 | sollicitude | solicitude | Sorgfalt | sollecitudine |
THE1165 | concorde | concord | Eintracht | concordia |
THE1166 | preuve | proof | Beweis | prova |
THE1167 | drap | sheet | Tuch | lenzuolo |
THE1168 | Italie | Italy | Italien | Italia |
THE1169 | limbe | limbe | Vorhof des Paradieses | limbo |
THE1170 | méchanceté | malice | Bosheit | cattiveria |
THE1171 | prêtresse | priestess | Priesterin | sacerdotessa |
THE1172 | clunisien | clunisian | Clunasienser | cluniacense |
THE1173 | Braisne | Braisne | Braisne | Braisne |
THE1174 | extrême-onction | viaticum | letzte Ölung (die) | estrema unzione |
THE1175 | araignée | spider | Spinne | ragno |
THE1176 | ordre dominicain | Dominican order | Dominikaner | ordine domenicano |
THE1177 | sexualité | sexuality | Sexualität | sessualità |
THE1178 | dialogue | dialogue | Dialog | dialogo |
THE1179 | Sella | Sella | Sella | Sella |
THE1180 | contrat | contract | Vertrag | contratto |
THE1181 | paroissien | parishioner | Gemeindemitglied | parrocchiano |
THE1182 | Gubbio | Gubbio | Gubbio | Gubbio |
THE1183 | pie | magpie | Elster | gazza |
THE1184 | captivité | captivity | Gefangenschaft | cattività |
THE1185 | science | science | Wissen | scienza |
THE1186 | dédicace | dedication | Widmen | dedicazione |
THE1187 | ambition | ambition | Ehrgeiz | ambizione |
THE1188 | Talmud | Talmud | Talmud | Talmud |
THE1189 | Pierre Martyr | Peter martyr | Petrus Martyr | Pietro Martire |
THE1190 | bénédictin | benedictine | Benediktiner | benedettino |
THE1191 | discipline | discipline | Disziplin | disciplina |
THE1192 | cumul | plurality | Anhäufung | cumulo |
THE1193 | Grégoire IX | Gregory IX | Gregorius d. IX. | Gregorio IX |
THE1194 | épervier | sparrowhawk | Sperber | sparviero |
THE1195 | cilice | cilice | Büsserhemd | cilicio |
THE1196 | tristesse | sadness | Traurigkeit | tristezza |
THE1197 | regard | glance | Blick | sguardo |
THE1198 | repas | meal | Mahl | pasto |
THE1199 | piété | piety | Frömmigkeit | pietà |
THE1200 | Lutgarde d'Aywières | Lutgarde d'Aywières | Lutgarde d'Aywière | Lutgarde d'Aywières |
THE1201 | funéraille | funeral | Bestattung | funerale |
THE1202 | accusation | accusation | Anklage | accusa |
THE1203 | serviteur | servant | Diener | servitore |
THE1204 | invasion | invasion | Einbruch | invasione |
THE1205 | Nouveau Testament | New Testament | das Neue Testament | Nuovo Testamento |
THE1206 | ascétisme | asceticism | Askese | ascetismo |
THE1207 | cierge | candle | Wachskerze | cero |
THE1208 | Laurencius Anglicus | Laurencius Anglicus | Laurencius Anglicus | Laurencius Anglicus |
THE1209 | accident | accident | Unglück | incidente |
THE1210 | génuflexion | genuflection | Kniebeugung | genuflessione |
THE1211 | intendant | intendant | Verwalter | intendente |
THE1212 | recrutement | recruiting | Rekrutierung | reclutamento |
THE1213 | farine | flour | Mehl | farina |
THE1214 | victime | victim | Opfer | vittima |
THE1215 | éloquence | eloquence | Beredsamkeit | eloquenza |
THE1216 | oncle | uncle | Onkel | zio |
THE1217 | épiscopat | episcopacy | Bistum | episcopato |
THE1218 | inhumation | inhumation | Begräbnis | inumazione |
THE1219 | décapitation | decapitation | Enthauptung | decapitazione |
THE1220 | Salve regina | Salve regina | Salve Regina | Salve regina |
THE1221 | béguinage | beguinage | Beghinenkloster | beghinaggio |
THE1222 | attouchement | touching | Berührung | tastamento |
THE1223 | mendiant | beggar | Bettler | mendicante |
THE1224 | chute | fall | Fallen | caduta |
THE1225 | déluge | flood | Sintflut | diluvio |
THE1226 | auto-mutilation | self-mutilation | Selbstverstümmelung | auto-mutilazione |
THE1227 | fondation | foundation | Gründung | fondazione |
THE1228 | sanctuaire | sanctuary | Heiligtum | santuario |
THE1229 | prédiction | prediction | Vorsagen | predizione |
THE1230 | théologie | theology | Theologie | teologia |
THE1231 | arrogance | arrogance | Hochmut | arroganza |
THE1232 | Laon | Laon | Laon | Laon |
THE1233 | viduité | viduity | Witwenstand | vedovanza |
THE1234 | Tolède | Tolede | Toledo | Toledo |
THE1235 | vêpres | vespers | Vesper | vespri |
THE1236 | sainte Catherine | saint Catherine | die heilige Katharine | santa Caterina |
THE1237 | forge | forge | Schmiede | forgia |
THE1238 | grêle | hail | Hager | grandine |
THE1239 | amputation | amputation | Amputation | amputazione |
THE1240 | bûcher | stake | Scheiterhaufen | rogo |
THE1241 | reconnaissance | recognition | Erkennen | riconoscenza |
THE1242 | agriculture | agriculture | Landwirtschaft | agricoltura |
THE1243 | ascension | assumption | Himmelfart | assunzione |
THE1244 | ampoule | bottle | Salbegefäss | ampolla |
THE1245 | cité | town | Stadt | città |
THE1246 | juge | judge | Richter | giudice |
THE1247 | porte | door | Tür | porta |
THE1248 | malchance | misfortune | Unglück | infelicità |
THE1249 | boue | puddle | Schlamm | fango |
THE1250 | lit | bed | Bett | letto |
THE1251 | culpabilité | guilt | Schuld | colpevolezza |
THE1252 | malédiction | malediction | Fluch | maledizione |
THE1253 | Ethiopien | Ethiopian | Ethiopen | etiope |
THE1254 | parloir | parlour | Sprechzimmer | parlatorio |
THE1255 | perversion | perversion | Verderbnis | perversione |
THE1256 | jument | mare | Stute | cavalla |
THE1257 | Bède | Bede | Beda | Beda |
THE1258 | orfèvre | goldsmith | Goldschmied | orafo |
THE1259 | borne | landmark | Grenzstein | confine |
THE1260 | honte | shame | Scham | vergogna |
THE1261 | Innocent | Innocent | Innocenz | Innocenzio |
THE1262 | détachement | renouncement | Entsagung | rinuncia |
THE1263 | panier | basket | Korb | cesta |
THE1264 | sorcière | witch | Hexe | strega |
THE1265 | solitude | solitude | Einsamkeit | solitudine |
THE1266 | cruauté | cruelty | Grausamkeit | crudeltà |
THE1267 | distraction | distraction | Zerstreuung | disattenzione |
THE1268 | incarnation | incarnation | Menschenwerdung Gottes | incarnazione |
THE1269 | noir | black | schwarz | nero |
THE1270 | mauvaises-herbes | weed | Unkraut | mal'erba |
THE1271 | jardin | garden | Garten | giardino |
THE1272 | boiteux | cripple | Hinkende | zoppo |
THE1273 | titre | title | Titel | titolo |
THE1274 | auteur | author | Autor | autore |
THE1275 | bâton | stick | Stock | bastone |
THE1276 | rumeur | rumour | Gerücht | diceria |
THE1277 | eunuque | eunuch | Eunuch | eunuco |
THE1278 | tremblement de terre | earthquake | Erdbeben | terremoto |
THE1279 | invisibilité | invisibility | Unsichtbarkeit | invisibilità |
THE1280 | reproche | reproach | Vorwurf | rimprovero |
THE1281 | coup | blow | Schlag | colpo |
THE1282 | gouffre | abyss | Abgrund | voragine |
THE1283 | lance | spear | Lanze | lancia |
THE1284 | dilapidation | dilapidation | Verschwendung | dilapidatore |
THE1285 | Noël | Christmas | Weihnachten | Natale |
THE1286 | sol | floor | Boden | pavimento |
THE1287 | Diane | Diana | Diana | Diana |
THE1288 | saint Pierre martyr | saint Peter martyr | Sankt Petrus Martyr | San Pietro |
THE1290 | bonté | kindness | Güte | bontà |
THE1291 | courage | courage | Mut | coraggio |
THE1292 | sainte Félicité | saint Felicity | die heilige Felicitas | santa Felicita |
THE1293 | saint Clément | saint Clement | Sankt Clemens | san Clemente |
THE1294 | Valérien | Valerianus | Valerian | Valeriano |
THE1295 | tailleur de pierres | stone-cutter | Steinmetz | tagliatore di pietre |
THE1296 | Théodose | Theodosius | Theodosius | Teodosio |
THE1297 | saint Laurent | saint Lawrence | der heilige Lorenz | san Lorenzo |
THE1298 | écolier | scholar | Schüler | studente |
THE1299 | sacrifice | sacrifice | Opfer | sacrificio |
THE1300 | stupidité | stupidity | Blödigkeit | stoltezza |
THE1301 | Troie | Troy | Troja | Troia |
THE1302 | salaire | salary | Lohn | stipendio |
THE1303 | habitude | habit | Gewohnheit | abitudine |
THE1304 | Sainte Sophie | Saint Sophia | die heilige Sophie | Santa Sofia |
THE1305 | acrostiche | acrostic | Akrostichon | acrostico |
THE1306 | sybille | sybil | Sibylle | sibilla |
THE1307 | respect | respect | Ehrfurcht | rispetto |
THE1308 | souffrance | pain | Leiden | sofferenza |
THE1309 | ouvrier | worker | Arbeiter | lavoratore |
THE1310 | artisan | craftsman | Handwerker | artigiano |
THE1311 | témoignage | witness | Zeugnis | testimonianza |
THE1312 | cause | cause | Grund | causa |
THE1313 | bulle | bull | Bulle | bolla |
THE1314 | pensée | thought | Gedanke | pensiero |
THE1315 | pleur | cry | Weinen | pianto |
THE1316 | gémissement | moan | Stöhnen | gemito |
THE1317 | propreté | cleanness | Zauberkeit | pulizia |
THE1318 | peau | skin | Haut | pelle |
THE1319 | venin | venom | Giftstoff | veleno |
THE1320 | intelligence | intelligence | Intelligenz | intelligenza |
THE1321 | lucidité | lucidity | Hellsichtigkeit | lucidità |
THE1322 | allaitement | breast-feeding | stillen | allattamento |
THE1323 | gale | scabies | Krätze | scabbia |
THE1324 | oreille | ear | Ohr | orecchio |
THE1325 | spiritualité | spirituality | Geistigkeit | spiritualità |
THE1326 | remède | remedy | Heilmittel | rimedio |
THE1327 | purification | purification | Reinigung | purificazione |
THE1328 | latrines | latrines | Latrine | latrine |
THE1329 | léopard | leopard | Leopard | leopardo |
THE1330 | tribulation | tribulation | Drangsal | tribolazione |
THE1331 | consolation | consolation | Trost | consolazione |
THE1332 | Judith | Judith | Judith | Judith |
THE1333 | tyrannie | tyranny | Tyrannei | tirannia |
THE1334 | Laurent | Lawrence | Lorenz | Lorenzo |
THE1335 | exil | exil | Exil | esilio |
THE1336 | prédestination | predestination | Vorherbestimmung | predestinazione |
THE1337 | année | year | Jahr | annua |
THE1338 | canard | duck | Ente | anatra |
THE1339 | Caïphe | Caiphe | Kaiphas | Caifa |
THE1340 | étendard | standard | Fahne | bandiera |
THE1341 | connaissance | knowledge | Kenntniss | conoscenza |
THE1342 | mansuétude | mansuetude | Sanftmut | mansuetudine |
THE1343 | onguent | ointment | Salbe | unguento |
THE1344 | colonne | column | Säule | colonna |
THE1345 | Syméon | Symeon | Simeon | Simeone |
THE1346 | cannibalisme | cannibalism | Menschenfresserei | cannibalismo |
THE1347 | béatification | beatification | Seligsprechung | beatificazione |
THE1348 | Denis l'Aréopagite | Denys Areopagite | Dyonisios Aeropagites | Dionisio Areopagita |
THE1349 | vermine | vermin | Ungeziefer | verme |
THE1350 | village | village | Dorf | villaggio |
THE1351 | paroisse | parish | Gemeinde | parrocchia |
THE1352 | supplication | entreaty | Flehen | supplica |
THE1353 | toilette | outfit | Kleidung | toeletta |
THE1354 | complot | plot | Verschwörung | complotto |
THE1355 | brûlure | burn | Brandwunde | bruciatura |
THE1356 | saint Gilles | saint Giles | der heilige Ägidius | san Egidio |
THE1357 | offrande | offering | Gabe | offerta |
THE1358 | Elisabeth | Elizabeth | Elisabeth | Elisabetha |
THE1359 | injustice | injustice | Ungerechtigkeit | ingiustizia |
THE1360 | rapt | kidnapping | Entführung | ratto |
THE1361 | gorge | throat | Hals | petto |
THE1362 | argent | silver | Silber | argento |
THE1363 | saint Jacques | saint James | der heilige Jacobus | san Giacomo |
THE1364 | révolte | revolt | Aufruhr | rivolta |
THE1365 | élection | election | Wahl | elezione |
THE1366 | Albigeois | Albigensian | Albigensisch | Albigese |
THE1367 | dais | canopy | Baldachin | cielo |
THE1368 | insigne épiscopal | episcopal insignia | bischöflichen Insignien (die) | insegna episcopale |
THE1369 | cheveux | hair | Haare | capello |
THE1370 | poésie | poetry | Gedicht | poesia |
THE1371 | hôtellerie | hotel | Wirtshaus | albergo |
THE1372 | grossesse | pregnancy | Schwangerschaft | gravidanza |
THE1373 | diacre | deacon | Diakonus | diacono |
THE1374 | proverbe | proverb | Sprichwort | proverbio |
THE1375 | suffrage | suffrage | Zustimmung | suffragio |
THE1376 | Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria |
THE1377 | masturbation | masturbation | Selbstbefriedigung | masturbazione |
THE1378 | reine | queen | Königin | regina |
THE1379 | Nemrod | Nemrod | Nemrod | Nemrod |
THE1380 | enfance | childhood | Kindheit | infanzia |
THE1381 | Assomption | Assumption | Himmelfahrt Marien | Assunzione |
THE1382 | laudes | lauds | Laudes | laudi |
THE1383 | enigme | enigma | Rätsel | enigma |
THE1384 | hospitalier | Hospitaller | Hospitaliter | ospedaliero |
THE1385 | prosternation | prosternation | Niederfallen | prosternazione |
THE1386 | catastrophe | catastrophe | Katastrophe | catastrofe |
THE1387 | bras | arm | Arm | braccio |
THE1388 | incube | incubus | Inkubus | incubo |
THE1389 | outrage | outrage | Beleidigung | oltraggio |
THE1390 | injure | offence | Beleidigung | ingiuria |
THE1391 | Satan | Satan | Satan | Satana |
THE1392 | saint Pancrace | saint Pancras | der heilige Pankratius | san Pancrazio |
THE1393 | sac | bag | Sack | borsa |
THE1394 | Boniface | Bonifacius | Bonifazius | Bonifacio |
THE1395 | élévation | elevation | Erhebung | elevazione |
THE1396 | mérite | merit | Verdienst | merito |
THE1397 | Ephrem | Ephraim | Ephräm | Efrem |
THE1398 | érémitisme | eremitism | Eremitentum | anacoretismo |
THE1399 | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri |
THE1400 | jeune homme | young man | junge Mann (der) | giovane |
THE1401 | Tibre | Tiber | Tiber | Tevere |
THE1402 | bigamie | bigamy | Bigamie | bigamia |
THE1403 | lèse-majesté | high-treason | Majestätsverbrechen | lesa-maestà |
THE1404 | serve | bondwoman | Leibeigene | serva |
THE1405 | espérance | hope | Hoffnung | speranza |
THE1406 | rouge | red | rot | rosso |
THE1407 | montagne | mountain | Berg | montagna |
THE1408 | gloutonnerie | gluttony | Gefrässigkeit | golosità |
THE1409 | sourd | deaf | taub | sordo |
THE1410 | récit | story | Erzählung | racconto |
THE1411 | supérieur | superior | überlegen | superiore |
THE1412 | bouffonnerie | buffoonery | Possierlichkeit | buffonata |
THE1413 | règle | rule | Regel | regola |
THE1414 | modestie | modesty | Bescheidenheit | modestia |
THE1415 | affranchis | manumitted | freigemacht | liberti |
THE1416 | lecteur | reader | Leser | lettore |
THE1417 | nourrice | nurse | Amme | balia |
THE1418 | attention | attention | Aufmerksamkeit | attenzione |
THE1419 | chiffre | number | Zahl | cifra |
THE1420 | balai | broom | Besen | scopa |
THE1421 | prostitution | prostitution | Hurerei | prostituzione |
THE1422 | discrétion | discretion | Bescheidenheit | discrezione |
THE1423 | grotte | cave | Höhle | grotta |
THE1424 | cavalier | horseman | Reiter | cavaliere |
THE1425 | patrimoine | patrimony | Gut | patrimonio |
THE1426 | charbon | coal | Kohle | carbone |
THE1427 | marbre | marble | Marmor | marmi |
THE1428 | Cornelius | Cornelius | Cornelius | Cornelio |
THE1429 | invocation | invocation | Anrufung | invocazione |
THE1430 | Josaphat | Josaphat | Josaphat | Giosafat |
THE1431 | avare | avaricious | Geizige | avaro |
THE1432 | destruction | destruction | Zerstörung | distruzione |
THE1433 | libre arbitre | free will | Willensfreiheit | libero arbitrio |
THE1434 | littérature chrétienne | christian literature | Christliche Litteratur | letteratura cristiana |
THE1435 | Justinien | Justinian | Justinian | Giustiniano |
THE1436 | souveraineté | sovereignty | Souveränität | sovranità |
THE1437 | volcan | volcano | Vulkan | vulcano |
THE1438 | sarcophage | sarcophagus | Steinsarg | sarcofago |
THE1439 | pogrom | pogrom | Judenfeindschaft | pogrom |
THE1440 | croyance | belief | Glaube | credenza |
THE1441 | étoffe | material | Stoff | stoffa |
THE1442 | bijou | jewel | Juwel | gioiello |
THE1443 | révérence | respect | Respekt | rispetto |
THE1444 | adversité | adversity | Not | avversità |
THE1445 | repos | rest | Ruhe | riposo |
THE1446 | couleur | color | Farbe | colore |
THE1447 | satisfaction | satisfaction | Befriedigung | soddisfazione |
THE1448 | obstination | obstination | Starrsinn | ostinazione |
THE1449 | Assuerus | Assuerus | Assuerus | Assuero |
THE1450 | fléau | flail | Dreschflegel | flagello |
THE1451 | hiérarchie | hierarchy | Rangordnung | gerarchia |
THE1452 | blanc | white | weiss | bianco |
THE1453 | innocence | innocence | Unschuld | innocenza |
THE1454 | calomnie | calumny | Verleumdung | calunnia |
THE1455 | Immaculée conception | Immaculate Conception | unbfleckte Empfängnis (das) | Immacolata Concezione |
THE1456 | circoncision | circumcision | Beschneidung | circoncisione |
THE1457 | bonheur | happiness | Glückseligkeit | felicità |
THE1458 | Matthieu | Matthew | Matthäus | Matteo |
THE1459 | récréation | recreation | Erholung | ricreazione |
THE1460 | insulte | insult | Beschimpfung | insulto |
THE1461 | chagrin | sorrow | Kummer | dolore |
THE1462 | Holopherne | Holophern | Holofernes | Oloferne |
THE1463 | habitat | settlement | Laubhüttenfest | habitat |
THE1464 | bannissement | banishment | Verbannung | bando |
THE1465 | mois | month | Monat | mese |
THE1466 | cerveau | brain | Gehirn | cervello |
THE1467 | tablette | shelf | Täfelschen | tavoletta |
THE1468 | Elisée | Elise | Elisa | Eliseo |
THE1469 | expérience | experience | Erfahrung | esperienza |
THE1470 | fosse | den | Grube | fossa |
THE1471 | Pax vobis | Pax vobis | Pax vobis | Pax vobis |
THE1472 | Alpaïs de Cudot | Alpais de Cudot | Alpaïs von Cudot | Alpaïs de Cudot |
THE1473 | blé | wheat | Korn | grano |
THE1474 | répudiation | repudiation | Verstossung | ripudio |
THE1475 | avertissement | warning | Warnung | avvertimento |
THE1476 | censure | censorship | Zensur | censura |
THE1477 | ruine | ruin | Ruine | rovina |
THE1478 | fontaine | fountain | Brunnen | fontana |
THE1479 | confirmation | confirmation | Firmung | cresima |
THE1480 | clôture | enclosure | Klausur | clausura |
THE1481 | Giézy | Giezy | Giezy | Giezi |
THE1482 | libération | liberation | Befreiung | liberazione |
THE1483 | veille | vigil | Wachen | vigilia |
THE1484 | ténèbres | darkness | Finsterniss | tenebre |
THE1485 | rivalité | rivalry | Rivalität | rivalità |
THE1486 | Hugues de Saint-Victor | Hugh of Saint-Victor | Hugo von Sankt Viktor | Ugo da San Vittorio |
THE1487 | inclinaison | tilt | Neigung | inclinazione |
THE1488 | dîme | tithe | Zehnte | decima |
THE1489 | provocation | provocation | Herausforderung | provocazione |
THE1490 | couvent | convent | Kloster | convento |
THE1491 | rosée | dew | Tau | rugiada |
THE1492 | soin | treatment | Pflege | cura |
THE1493 | Pentecôte | Pentecost | Pfingsten | Pentecoste |
THE1494 | cantique | canticle | Lobgesang | cantico |
THE1495 | balle | ball | Ball | palla |
THE1496 | vomissement | vomiting | Erbrechen | vomito |
THE1497 | Europe | Europe | Europa | Europa |
THE1499 | paiement | payment | Zahlung | pagamento |
THE1500 | mélodie | music | Melodie | melodia |
THE1501 | tourment | torment | Pein | tormenti |
THE1502 | absolution | absolution | Absolution | assoluzione |
THE1503 | cénobitisme | cenobitism | Klostermönchtum | cenobitismo |
THE1504 | branche | branch | Zweig | ramo |
THE1505 | veau | calf | Kalb | vitello |
THE1506 | Belphégor | Belphegor | Baal Peor | Belfagor |
THE1507 | philtre | philtre | Zaubertrank | filtro |
THE1508 | vert | green | grün | verde |
THE1509 | grenier | granary | Speicher | granaio |
THE1510 | légumes | vegetables | Gemüse | verdura |
THE1511 | subordonnés | subordinates | untergeordnet | subordinati |
THE1512 | vie-spirituelle | spiritual-life | geistliche Leben | vita-spirituale |
THE1513 | météorologie | meteorology | Meteorologie | meteorologia |
THE1514 | bain | bath | Bad | bagno |
THE1515 | Griselidis | Griselda | Griseldis | Griselda |
THE1516 | clandestinité | clandestineness | Heimlichkeit | clandestinità |
THE1517 | citerne | cistern | Zisterne | cisterna |
THE1518 | palefrenier | ostler | Pferdeknecht | scudiero |
THE1519 | Léon | Leo | Leo | Leone |
THE1520 | régicide | regicide | Königsmord | regicida |
THE1521 | diaspora | diaspora | Diaspora | diaspora |
THE1522 | maternité | motherhood | Mutterschaft | maternità |
THE1523 | profanation | profanation | Schändung | profanazione |
THE1524 | grain | grain | Korn | grano |
THE1525 | culture | culture | Bebauung | coltura |
THE1526 | magie | magic | Zauberei | magia |
THE1527 | parfum | perfume | Duft | profumo |
THE1528 | semaine | week | Woche | settimana |
THE1529 | verger | orchard | Obstgarten | verziere |
THE1530 | Ericius | Ericius | Ericius | Erizio |
THE1531 | calame | calame | Kalamus | calamo |
THE1532 | théorie | theory | Theorie | teoria |
THE1533 | prix | price | Preis | prezzo |
THE1534 | Poitou | Poitou | Poitou | Poitou |
THE1535 | doute | doubt | Zweifel | dubbio |
THE1536 | infanticide | infanticide | Kindesmord | infanticida |
THE1537 | présomption | presumption | Vermutung | superbia |
THE1538 | bruit | noise | Lärm | rumore |
THE1539 | os | bone | Knochen | osso |
THE1540 | dortoir | dormitory | Schlafsaal | dormitorio |
THE1541 | diocèse | diocese | Diözese | diocesi |
THE1542 | Sicile | Sicile | Sizilien | Sicilia |
THE1543 | pénis | penis | Penis | pene |
THE1544 | oratoire | oratory | Oratorium | oratorio |
THE1545 | cercle | circle | Kreis | cerclio |
THE1546 | chapellenie | chapellenie | Kaplanpfründe | cappellenia |
THE1547 | mission | mission | Auftrag | missione |
THE1549 | bouillon | broth | Brühe | brodo |
THE1550 | Vénus | Venus | Venus | Venere |
THE1551 | barbe | beard | Bart | barba |
THE1552 | bavard | gossip | Schwätzer | chiacchierone |
THE1553 | géant | giant | Riese | gigante |
THE1554 | semailles | sowing | Säen | semente |
THE1555 | célibat | celibacy | Ehelosigkeit | celibato |
THE1556 | sueur | sweat | Schweiss | sudore |
THE1557 | étable | stable | Stall | stalla |
THE1558 | Ephèse | Ephesius | Ephesus | Efeso |
THE1559 | Jupiter | Jupiter | Jupiter | Giove |
THE1560 | mitigation | mitigation | Milderung | mitigazione |
THE1561 | souillure | stain | Schandfleck | lordura |
THE1562 | antechrist | antechrist | Antichrist | anticristo |
THE1563 | clou | nail | Nagel | chiodo |
THE1564 | anastasis | anastasis | Anastasis | anastasis |
THE1565 | Tabitha | Tabitha | Tabitha | Tabita |
THE1566 | arbitrage | arbitration | Entscheidung | arbitraggio |
THE1567 | vers | verse | Vers | verso |
THE1568 | mercredi-saint | holy wednesday | Karmittwoch | mercoledi santo |
THE1569 | enlèvement | kidnapping | Entführung | rapimento |
THE1570 | interdiction | prohibition | Verbot | proibizione |
THE1571 | vitrail | stained-glass | Kirchenfenster | vetrata |
THE1572 | Credo | Credo | Credo | Credo |
THE1573 | cuiller | spoon | Löffel | cucchiaio |
THE1574 | denier | denar | Denar | denaro |
THE1575 | inscription | inscription | Inschrift | iscrizione |
THE1576 | Agnus dei | Agnus dei | Agnus Dei | Agnus dei |
THE1577 | pourpre | purple | Purpur | porpora |
THE1578 | Fortunat de Todi | Fortunat of Todi | Fortunat von Todi | Fortunato da Todi |
THE1579 | existence | life | Dasein | esistenza |
THE1580 | Paul Apôtre | Paul (Apostol) | Paulus | Paolo (Apostolo) |
THE1581 | Archichacos | Archichacos | Archichacos | Archichacos |
THE1582 | curiosité | curiosity | Neugier | curiosità |
THE1583 | préfet | prefect | Präfekt | prefetto |
THE1584 | table | table | Tisch | tavola |
THE1585 | éternité | eternity | Ewigkeit | eternità |
THE1586 | pomme | apple | Apfel | mela |
THE1587 | Jérôme | Jeronimus | Hieronymus | Geronimo |
THE1588 | vicaire | vicar | Vikar | vicario |
THE1589 | pudeur | decency | Scham | pudore |
THE1590 | nombril | navel | Nabel | ombelico |
THE1591 | pyxide | pyxide | Pyxis | pisside |
THE1592 | saint Nicolas | saint Nicholas | Sankt Nikolaus | san Nicola |
THE1593 | Caloarcha | Caloarcha | Caloarcha | Caloarcha |
THE1594 | substitution | substitution | Unterschiebung | sostituzione |
THE1595 | médiatrice | mediator | Vermittlerin | mediatore |
THE1596 | archange | archangel | Erzengel | arcangelo |
THE1597 | Sylvestre | Sylvestre | Sylvester | Silvestro |
THE1598 | alchimie | alchemy | Alchemie | alchimia |
THE1599 | répons | response | Responsorium | responsorio |
THE1600 | prêt | loan | Darlehen | prestito |
THE1601 | rémission | remission | Vergebung | remissione |
THE1602 | Antitheos | Antitheos | Antitheos | Antitheos |
THE1603 | eau bénite | holy water | Weihwasser | acqua santa |
THE1604 | chronique | chronicle | Chronik | cronica |
THE1605 | tante | aunt | Tante | zia |
THE1606 | jeudi | thursday | Donnerstag | giovedi |
THE1607 | tabernacle | tabernacle | Tabernakel | tabernacolo |
THE1608 | inconstance | inconstancy | Unbeständig | incostanza |
THE1609 | Apollonius | Apollonius | Apollonius | Apollonius |
THE1610 | Félix | Felix | Felix | Felice |
THE1611 | Aaron | Aaron | Aaron | Aaron |
THE1612 | Adoration | Adoration | Anbetung | Adorazione |
THE1613 | Anneau | Ring | Ring | Anello |
THE1614 | Annonciation | Annunciation | Verkündigung | Annunciazione |
THE1615 | Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella |
THE1616 | Balance | Balance | Wage | Bilancia |
THE1617 | Bière | Beer | Bier | Birra |
THE1618 | Chandeleur | candlemas | Lichtmess | candelora |
THE1619 | Charte | Charter | Urkunde | Carta |
THE1620 | Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius |
THE1621 | Désespoir | Despair | Verzweifelung | Disperazione |
THE1622 | Egypte | Egypte | Ägypten | Egitto |
THE1623 | Fleuve | River | Strom | Fiume |
THE1624 | Fortunat | Fortunat | Fortunat | Fortunat |
THE1625 | Fouet | Whip | Peitsche | Frusta |
THE1626 | Gesticulation | Gesticulation | Gebärde | Gesticolazione |
THE1627 | Gratitude | Gratitude | Dankbarkeit | Gratitudine |
THE1628 | Grue | Crane | Kranich | Gru |
THE1629 | Irlande | Irland | Irland | Irlanda |
THE1630 | Lanfranc | Lanfranc | Lanfranc | Lanfranc |
THE1631 | Querelle | Quarrel | Zank | Litigio |
THE1632 | Merlin | Merlin | Merlin | Merlino |
THE1633 | Métamorphose | Metamorphosis | Metamorphose | Metamorfosi |
THE1634 | Meunier | Miller | Müller | Mugniaio |
THE1635 | Navigation | Navigation | Schiffahrt | Navigazione |
THE1636 | Normandie | Normandy | Normandie | Normannia |
THE1637 | Ordination | Ordination | Priesterweihe | Ordinazione |
THE1638 | Pastor | Pastor | Pastor | Pastor |
THE1639 | Pierre le Télonier | Peter the Telonearius | Petrus Telonearius | Pietro Teloneario |
THE1640 | Puce | Flea | Floh | Pulce |
THE1641 | Rédemption | Redemption | Erlösung | Redenzione |
THE1642 | Chantage | Blackmail | Erpressung | Ricatto |
THE1643 | Robert de Blois | Robert of Blois | Robert von Blois | Roberto da Blois |
THE1644 | Rouen | Rouen | Rouen | Rouen |
THE1645 | Saint Anselme de Cantorbéry | Saint Anselm of Canterbury | der heilige Anselm von Canterbury | San Anselmio da Canterbury |
THE1646 | Saint Brendan | Saint Brandan | der heilige Brendan | San Brandano |
THE1647 | Saint Edmond de Canterbéry | Saint Edmund of Canterbury | Sankt Edmund von Cantorbury | San Edmondo da Canterbery |
THE1648 | Saint Jean l'Aumônier | Saint John the Almoner | Sankt Johannes der Almosenier/Elemosinarius | San Giovanni Elemosiniere |
THE1649 | Saint Pacôme | Saint Pachomius | der heilige Pachomius | San Pacomio |
THE1650 | Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas | der heilige Thomas | San Tomaso |
THE1651 | Sodome | Sodom | Sodom | Sodoma |
THE1652 | Tarascon | Tarascon | Tarascon | Tarascon |
THE1653 | Théodas | Theodas | Theodas | Teodas |
THE1654 | Urbain III | Urban III | Urban III. | Urbano III |
THE1655 | Zodiaque | Zodiac | Zodiak | Zodiaco |
THE1656 | caverne | cave | Höhle | caverna |
THE1657 | Cécile | Cecilia | Cecilia | Cecilia |
THE1658 | Egyptien | Egyptian | Ägypter | Egiziano |
THE1659 | forgeron | blacksmith | Grobschmied | fabbro |
THE1660 | Fursy | Fursy | Fursy | Furseio |
THE1661 | jardinier | gardener | Gärtner | giardiniere |
THE1662 | lépreux | leper | Lepröse | leproso |
THE1663 | incroyance | Unbelief | Unglaube | miscredenza |
THE1664 | Pambo | Pambo | Pambo | Pambo |
THE1665 | reniement | abjuration | Verleugnung | rinnegamento |
THE1666 | économies | savings | Erspanise | risparmio |
THE1667 | Allah | Allah | Allah | Allah |
THE1668 | grammaire | grammar | Grammatik | grammatica |
THE1669 | hydre | hydra | hydra | idra |
THE1670 | antilope | antelope | Antilope | antilope |
THE1671 | laboureur | ploughman | Pflüger | aratore |
THE1672 | clergé | clergy | Klerus | clero |
THE1673 | crocodile | crocodile | Krokodil | coccodrillo |
THE1674 | corne | horn | Horn | corno |
THE1675 | papillon | butterfly | Schmetterling | farfalla |
THE1676 | fuite | escape | Flucht | fuga |
THE1677 | gland | acorn | Eichel | ghiandola |
THE1678 | jonc | rush | Schilfrohr | giunco |
THE1679 | hibou | owl | Eule | gufo |
THE1680 | lièvre | hare | Feldhase | lepre |
THE1681 | fumier | dung | Dünger | letame |
THE1682 | escargot | snail | Schnecke | lumaca |
THE1683 | moelle | pith | Mark | midollo |
THE1684 | noix | walnut | Walnuss | noce |
THE1685 | oie | goose | Gans | oca |
THE1686 | orfraie | wite-tailed eagle | seeadler | ossifraga |
THE1687 | villageois | countrymen | Dorfbewohner | paesani |
THE1688 | égalité | equality | Gleichheit | parità |
THE1689 | perdrix | partridge | Rebhuhn | pernice |
THE1690 | promesse | promise | Versprechen | promessa |
THE1691 | grenouille | frog | Frosch | rana |
THE1692 | jeu d'échecs | chess | Schachspiel | scacco |
THE1693 | scarabée | beetle | Skarabäus | scarabeo |
THE1694 | singe | monkey | Affe | scimmia |
THE1695 | partage | sharing out | Teilen | spartizione |
THE1696 | tortue | tortoise | Schildkröte | tartaruga |
THE1697 | impôt | tax | Steuer | tassa |
THE1698 | rat | rat | Ratte | topo |
THE1699 | souris | mouse | Maus | Sorcio |
THE1700 | souricière | mousetrap | Mausefalle | trappola |
THE1701 | guêpe | wasp | Wespe | vespa |
THE1702 | Avent | Advent | Advent | avvento |
THE1703 | construction | Construction | Bau | Costruzione |
THE1704 | Saül | Saül | Saül | Saül |
THE1705 | Barlaam | Barlaam | Barlaam | Barlaam |
THE1706 | Chèvre | Goat | Ziege | Capra |
THE1708 | Charybde | Charybdis | Charybdis | Charybdis |
THE1709 | Compostelle | Compostella | Compostell | Compostella |
THE1710 | Chrême | Chrism | Salböl | Crisma |
THE1711 | Oubli | Forgetting | Vergessen | Dimenticanza |
THE1712 | Dauphin | Dolphin | Delphin | Dolfino |
THE1713 | Epiphanie | Epiphany | Dreikönigsfest | Epifania |
THE1714 | Excrément | Excrement | Ausscheidung | Escremento |
THE1715 | Fée | Fairy | Fee | Fata |
THE1716 | Foire | Fair | Messe | Fiera |
THE1717 | Froid | Cold | Kälte | Freddo |
THE1718 | Glace | Ice | Eis | Ghiacco |
THE1720 | Incrédulité | Incredulity | Unglaübigkeit | Incredulità |
THE1721 | Lac | Lake | See | Lago |
THE1722 | Leçon | Lesson | Lektion | Lezione |
THE1723 | Lundi | Monday | Montag | Lunedì |
THE1724 | Macération | Maceration | Erweichung | Macerazione |
THE1725 | Mine | Mine | Mine | Miniera |
THE1726 | Nez | Nose | Nase | Naso |
THE1727 | Ventre | Stomach | Bauch | Pancia |
THE1728 | Phénix | Phoenix | Phoenix | Phoenix |
THE1730 | Saint Georges | Saint George | Sankt Georg | Santo Giorgio |
THE1731 | Scylla | Scylla | Scylla | Scylla |
THE1732 | Sexe | Sex | Geschlecht | Sesso |
THE1733 | Suaire | Shroud | Schweisstuch | Sudario |
THE1734 | Ulysse | Ulysses | Odysseus | Ulisse |
THE1735 | Vendredi | Freiday | Freitag | Venerdi |
THE1739 | rubis | ruby | Rubin | rubino |
THE1740 | vassal | vassal | Vasall | vassallo |
THE1742 | méfiance | suspicion | Mißtrauen | diffidenza |
THE1743 | origine | origin | Herkunft | origine |
THE1746 | simplicité | simplicity | Albernheit | simplicità |
THE1747 | déguisement | disguise | Verkleidung | travestimento |
THE1748 | hommage | tribute | Ehrung | omaggio |
THE1749 | semeur | sower | Säer | seminatore |
THE1750 | magnificence | magnificence | Pracht | magnificenza |
THE1753 | patriotisme | patriotism | Patriotismus | patriotismo |
THE1754 | divorce | divorce | Scheidung | divorzio |
THE1755 | loyauté | loyalty | Treue | lealtà |
THE1756 | tribut | tribute | Tribut | tributo |
THE1762 | orge | barley | Gerste | orzo |
THE1763 | abbaye | abbey | Abtei | abbazia |
THE1764 | compte | account | Rechnung | conto |
THE1765 | sermon | sermon | Predigt | sermone |
THE1766 | gifle | slap | Klaps | manata |
THE1767 | lundi | Monday | Montag | lunedi |
THE1768 | étranger | stranger | Auslländer | straniero |
THE1770 | cerf | deer | Hirsch | cervo |
THE1771 | aboiement | bark | Bellen | abbaio |
THE1773 | fardeau | burden | Last | fardelio |
THE1774 | roue | wheel | Rad | ruota |
THE1775 | flatteur | flatterer | Schmeichler | adulatore |
THE1776 | trace | trace | Spur | traccia |
THE1777 | queue | tail | Schwanz | coda |
THE1778 | hiver | winter | Winter | inverno |
THE1779 | fumier | manure | Dung | letame |
THE1780 | liquide | liquid | Flussigkeit | liquido |
THE1782 | champion | champion | Meister | campione |
THE1784 | trompette | trumpet | Trompete | tromba |
THE1786 | guenon | female monkey | Äffin | scimmia femina |
THE1787 | dimanche des Rameaux | Palm Sunday | Palmsonntag | la domenica delle Palme |
THE1820 | Taxe | Tax | Taxe | Imposta |
THE1822 | Réforme | Reform | Reform | Riforma |
THE1824 | Clef | Key | Schlüssel | Chiave |
THE1827 | devin | Soothsayer | Weissager | Indovino |
THE1828 | écuyer | Squire | Schildträger | Scudiero |
THE1829 | Isaac | Isaac | Isaac | Isacco |
THE1830 | Isaïe | Isaiah | Jesaia | Isaia |
THE1831 | Job | Job | Hiob | Giobbe |
THE1832 | Jubilé | Jubilee | Jubiläumsjahr | Giubileo |
THE1833 | Lampe | Lamp | Lampe | Lampada |
THE1834 | Osée | Hosea | Hosea | Osea |
THE1835 | Saint Sébastien | Saint Sebastian | der heilige Sebastian | San Sebastiano |
THE1851 | chauve | bald | kahl | calvo |
THE1875 | clémence | mercy | Milde | clemenza |
THE1884 | otage | hostage | Geisel | ostaggio |
THE1886 | Afrique | Africa | Afrika | Africa |
THE1894 | bienveillance | benevolence | Wohlwollen | benevolenza |
THE1899 | pitié | mercy | Mitleid | pietà |
THE1902 | succession | succession | Nachfolge | successione |
THE1903 | vue | sight | Sehvermögen | vista |
THE1937 | barbare | barbarian | Barbar | barbaro |
THE1948 | rançon | ransom | Lösegeld | riscatto |
THE1950 | polygamie | polygamy | Poligamie | poligamia |
THE1956 | infamie | infamy | Infamie | infamia |
THE1960 | vase | vase | Vase | vaso |
THE2025 | droit | law | recht | dirito |
THE2035 | Carthage | Carthage | Carthage | Cartago |
THE2055 | Clairvaux | Clairvaux | Clairvaux | Clairvaux |
THE2088 | Caïn | Cain | Kain | Caino |
THE2089 | symbole | symbol | symbol | simbolo |
THE2091 | témoin | witness | Zeuge | testimone |
THE2212 | règne | kingdom | Reich | regno |
THE2238 | Jeûner | Fast | Fasten | Digiunare |
THE2239 | Réconforter | To comfort | Trösten | Confortare |
THE2240 | Visiter | To visit | Besuchen | Visitare |
THE2297 | jalousie | Jealousy | Eifersucht | Gelosia |
THE2359 | synagogue | synagogue | synagoge | sinagoga |
THE2414 | Avortement | Abortion | Abtreibung | Aborto |
THE2415 | Adam | Adam | Adam | Adamo |
THE2416 | Bouddha | Buddha | Buddha | Budda |
THE2417 | Daniel | Daniel | Daniel | Daniele |
THE2418 | Travestissement | Dressing up | Verkleidung | Travestimento |
THE2419 | Impératrice | Empress | Kaiserin | Imperatrice |
THE2420 | Fable | Fable | Fabel | Favola |
THE2421 | Pet | Fart | Furz | Peto |
THE2422 | Princesse | Princess | Prinzessin | Principessa |
THE2423 | Prophète | Prophet | Prophet | Profeta |
THE2424 | Tonsure | Tonsure | Tonsur | Tonsura |
THE2425 | Virgile | Virgil | Virgil | Virgilio |
THE2437 | Damoclès | Damocles | Damokles | Damocle |
THE2439 | Xénophon | Xenophon | Xenophon | Senofonte |
THE2440 | manne | manna | Manna | manna |
THE2441 | Bouffon | Jester | Komisch | Buffone |
THE2442 | Noé | Noah | Noah | Noè |
THE2443 | Jonas | Jonah | Jonas | Giona |
THE2444 | Inquisition | Inquisition | Inquisition | Inquisizione |
THE2445 | Abel | Abel | Abel | Abele |
THE2446 | Inspiration | Inspiration | Erleuchtung | Ispirazzione |
THE2448 | Bannière | Banner | Banner | Bandiera |
THE2449 | Banque | Bank | Bank | Banco |
THE2450 | Anus | Anus | Anus | Ano |
THE2451 | Jourdain | Jordan | Jordan | Giordano |
THE2452 | sobriété | sobriety | Nüchternheit | sobrietà |
THE2453 | Tibère | Tiberius | Tiberius | Tiberio |
THE2454 | Jonathan | Jonathan | Jonathan | Gionatan |
THE2455 | Hannibal | Hannibal | Hannibal | Annibale |
THE2456 | Romulus | Romulus | Romulus | Romolo |
THE2457 | Sénat | Senate | Senat | Senato |
THE2459 | foule | crowd | Menge | folla |
THE2461 | Zachée | Zacchaeus | Zachäus | Zaccheo |
THE2462 | Bethsabée | Bathsheba | Bathseba | Betsabea |
THE2463 | sécurité | safety | Sicherheit | sicurezza |
THE2464 | Absalom | Absalom | Abschalom | Assalonne |
THE2465 | Théophraste | Theophrastus | Theophrast | Teofrasto |
THE2466 | gendre | son-in-law | Schwiegersohn | genero |
THE2467 | poète | poet | Dichter | poeta |
THE2468 | chérubin | cherub | Cherub | cherubino |
THE2472 | Messie | Messiah | Messias | Messia |
THE2475 | Torah | Torah | Torah | Thora |
THE2478 | Rabbin | Rabbi | Rabbiner | Rabbino |
THE2480 | Alcuin | Alcuin | Alkuin | Alcuino |
THE2482 | Esdras | Ezra | Esra | Esdra |
THE2484 | belle-fille | daughter-in-law | Schwiegertochter | nuora |
THE2485 | belle-mère | mother-in-law | Schwiegermutter | suocera |
THE2487 | ornement | ornament | verzierung | ornamento |
THE2488 | publicain | publican | Publikan | pubblicano |
THE2489 | Ptolémée | Ptolemy | Ptolemäus | Tolomeo |
THE2491 | Josias | Josiah | Joschija | Giosia |
THE2492 | Ézéchias | Hezekiah | Hiskija | Ezechia |
THE2493 | Élie | Elijah | Elija | Elia |
THE2495 | Zoroastre | Zoroaster | Zarathustra | Zoroastro |
THE2496 | stérilité | sterility | Sterilität | sterilità |
THE2497 | sensibilité | sensitivity | Sinnlichkeit | sensibilità |
THE2498 | lettre | letter | Buchstabe | lettera |
THE2499 | esprit | mind | Vernunft | mente |
THE2500 | jambe | leg | Bein | gamba |
THE2503 | harmonie | harmony | Harmonie | armonia |
THE2504 | Seth | Seth | Set | Set |
THE2505 | majesté | majesty | Majestät | maestà |
THE2508 | politique | policy | Politik | política |
THE2511 | spectacle | show | Schauspiel | spettacolo |
THE2512 | Allégorie | Allegory | Allegorie | Allegorìa |
THE2516 | Samaritain | Samaritan | Samariter | Samaritano |
THE2517 | Genre | Gender | Gender | Genere |
THE2522 | transsubstantiation | transubstantiation | Transsubstantiation | transustanziazione |
THE2526 | ch?ur | choir | Chor | coro |
THE2527 | dos | back | Rücken | dorso |
THE2528 | confusion | confusion | Verwirrung | confusione |
THE2547 | tavernier | inn-keeper | Schankwirt | taverniere |
THE2548 | amertume | bitterness | Bitterkeit | amarezza |
THE2549 | boucher | butcher | Fleischer | macellaio |
THE2552 | crédulité | credulity | Leichtgläubigkeit | credulità |
THE2554 | Hérode | Herod | Herodes | Erode |
THE2566 | Saint Remi de Reims | Saint Remigius of Reims | der heilige Remigius von Reims | San Remigio di Reims |
THE2567 | Bestialité | Bestiality | Tierhaftigkeit | Bestialità |
THE2568 | Hildegarde de Bingen | Hildegard of Bingen | Hildegard von Bingen | Ildegarda di Bingen |
THE2569 | Sainte Scolastique | Saint Scholastica | Die heilige Scholastika | Santa Scolastica |
THE2570 | harpe | harp | Harfe | arpa |
THE2578 | Homosexualité | Homosexuality | Homosexualität | Omosessualità |
THE2579 | Histoire | History | Geschichte | Storia |
THE2580 | Commandement | Commandment | Gebot | Comandamento |
THE2581 | Providence | Providence | Vorsehung | Provvidenza |
THE2583 | émotion | emotion | Regung | emozione |
THE2584 | union mystique | mystical union | mystische Vereinigung | unione mistica |
THE2595 | Procès | Trial | Prozess | Processo |
THE2601 | Humiliation | Humilation | Demütigung | Umilliazione |
THE2610 | Iconoclasme | Iconoclasm | Bildersturm | iconoclastia |
THE2612 | Ouïe | Hearing | Gehör | Udito |
THE2618 | Honnêteté | Honesty | Ehrlichkeit | Onestà |
THE2619 | Sourire | Smile | Lächeln | Sorriso |
THE2624 | Douceur physique | sweetness | süsse | dolcezza |
THE2626 | Jean Climaque | John Climacus | Johannes Klimakos | Giovanni Climaco |
THE2627 | Saint Nil du Sinaï | Saint Nilus of Sinai | der heilige Nilus der Ältere | San Nilo il Sinaita |
THE2628 | Saint Épiphane | Saint Epiphanius | Heilige Epiphanios | Sant?Epifanio |
THE2629 | sortilège | witchcraft | Hexerei | malia |
THE2630 | boisson | drink | Getränk | bevanda |
THE2631 | baleine | whale | Wal | balena |
THE2632 | traduction | translation | Übersetzung | traduzione |
THE2633 | Londres | London | London | Londra |
THE2634 | irrévérence | disrespect | Respektlosigkeit | irriverenza |
THE2635 | nièce | niece | Nichte | nipote |
THE2636 | boîte | box | Schachtel | scatola |
THE2637 | entremetteus | procuress | Kupplerin | ruffiana |
THE2638 | inondation | flood | Überschwemmung | nondazione |
THE2640 | erreur | error | Irrtum | errore |
THE2641 | Saint Malachie | Saint Malachy | Heiliger Malachias | San Malachia |
THE2642 | Jean Chrysostome | John Chrysostom | Johannes Chrysostomos | Giovanni Crisostomo |
THE2643 | Pierre Damien | Peter Damian | Petrus Damiani | Pier Damiani |
THE2644 | Martin Luther | Martin Luther | Martin Luther | Martin Lutero |
THE2645 | voisin | neighbour | Nachbar | vicino |
THE2646 | vente | sale | Verkauf | vendita |
THE2647 | comparaison | comparison | Vergleich | comparazione |
THE2648 | saint Éloi | Saint Eligius | Der heilige Eligius | sant' Eligio |
THE2649 | misogynie | misogyny | Misogynie | misoginia |
THE2650 | toilettes | toilet | Toilette | abinetto |
THE2658 | entremetteur | procuress | Kupplerin | ruffiana |
THE2664 | riz | rice | Reis | riso |
THE2665 | tigresse | tigress | tigerin | tigre |
THE2666 | char | tank | streitwagen | carro |
THE2667 | perle | pearls | perlen | perle |
THE2668 | calebasse | calabash | kalebasse | zucca |
THE2670 | brahmane | brahman | brahmane | bramano |
THE2672 | précipice | precipice | abgrund | precipizio |
THE2673 | enterrement | burial | bestattung | funerale |
THE2674 | lotus | lotus | lotus | loto |
THE2676 | biche | doe | ricke | daino |
THE2677 | cygne | swan | Schwan | cigno |
THE2678 | loutre | otter | Otter | lontra |
THE2679 | pou | louse | Laus | pidocchio |
THE2680 | réincarnation | reincarnation | Reinkarnation | reincarnazione |
THE2682 | abandon | abandonment | Aufgabe | abbandono |
THE2683 | troupeau | herd | Herde | mandria |
THE2684 | perroquet | parrot | Papagei | pappagallo |
THE2685 | ravin | ravine | Schlucht | burrone |
THE2686 | foie | liver | Leber | fegato |
THE2687 | muet | mute | Stumm | muto |
THE2688 | cristal | crystal | Kristall | cristallo |
THE2689 | ministre | minister | Minister | ministro |
THE2690 | membre | member | Mitglied | membro |
THE2691 | adoption | adoption | Verabschiedung | adozione |
THE2692 | lettre | letter | Schreiben | lettera |
THE2693 | abdication | abdication | Abdankung | abdicazione |
THE2694 | délivrance | deliverance | Befreiung | liberazione |
THE2695 | tigre | tiger | Tiger | tigre |
THE2696 | tolérance | tolerance | Toleranz | tolleranza |
THE2697 | etang | pond | Teich | stagno |
THE2698 | expiation | atonement | Sühne | espiazione |
THE2699 | aiguille | needle | Nadel | ago |
THE2700 | poil | hair | Haar | capelli |
THE2701 | corde | rope | Seil | corda |
THE2702 | préfecture | prefecture | Präfektur | prefettura |
THE2703 | sauvetage | rescue | Rettung | salvataggio |
THE2704 | lézard | lizard | Eidechse | lucertola |
THE2705 | cage | cage | Käfig | gabbia |
THE2706 | transformation | transformation | Transformation | trasformazione |
THE2707 | renaissance | Renaissance | Wiedergeburt | rinascita |
THE2709 | faute | fault | Fehler | guasto |
THE2711 | transmigration | transmigration | Abwanderung | trasmigrazione |
THE2712 | reliquaire | reliquary | Reliquiar | reliquiario |
THE2713 | rencontre | meet | treffen | incontro |
THE2714 | impermanence | impermanence | Unbeständigkeit | impermanenza |
THE2715 | héritier | heir | Erbe | erede |
THE2716 | harem | harem | Harem | harem |
THE2717 | orage | thunderstorm | Sturm | tempesta |
THE2718 | quête | quest | Suche | ricerca |
THE2719 | obscurité | darkness | Dunkelheit | buio |
THE2720 | immolation | immolation | immolation | immolazione |
THE2722 | religion | religion | Religion | religione |
THE2727 | attitude | attitude | Haltung | atteggiamento |
THE2728 | méfait | misdemeanor | Übertretung | infrazione |
THE2729 | marmite | cooking pot | Topf | pentola |
THE2730 | statut | status | Status | stato |
THE2731 | avenir | to come up | Zukunft | |
THE2732 | surnaturel | supernatural | übernatürlich | soprannaturale |
THE2733 | double | double | doppelt | doppio |
THE2734 | logique | logic | Logik | logica |
THE2735 | sérendipité | serendipity | Spürsinn | Serendipity |
THE2736 | empreinte | footprint | Fußabdruck | impronta |
THE2737 | malheur | misfortune | Weh | dolore |
THE2738 | aile | wing | Flügel | ala |
THE2740 | bague | Ring | Ring | anello |
THE2741 | raisin | grapes | Trauben | uva |
THE2744 | métempsychose | metempsychosis | Metempsychose | metempsicosi |
THE2745 | intention | intention | Absicht | intenzione |
THE2746 | maigreur | thinness | Magerkeit | magrezza |
THE2747 | conseiller | advisor | Berater | consulente |
THE2748 | dépeçage | butchering | schlachten | macellazione |
THE2749 | bien | good | gut | bene |
THE2750 | monument | monument | Denkmal | monumento |
THE2751 | déesse | goddess | Göttin | dea |
THE2752 | graine | seed | Samen | seme |
THE2753 | précepte | precept | Gebot | precetto |
THE2754 | sécheresse | drought | Dürre | siccità |
THE2755 | caresse | caress | Liebkosung | carezza |
THE2756 | six | six | sechs | sei |
THE2757 | postérité | posterity | Nachwelt | posterità |
THE2758 | vénération | veneration | Verehrung | venerazione |
THE2759 | pas | step | Schritt | passo |
THE2760 | mille | thousand | tausend | mille |
THE2761 | avaler | swallow | schlucken | deglutire |
THE2762 | boule | ball | Ball | palla |
THE2763 | réalité | reality | Wirklichkeit | realtà |
THE2764 | apparence | appearance | Aussehen | aspetto |
THE2765 | résumé | abstract | Zusammenfassung | sommario |
THE2766 | siècle | century | Jahrhundert | secolo |
THE2767 | gestation | gestation | Schwangerschaft | gestazione |
THE2768 | bol | bowl | Schüssel | ciotola |
THE2769 | fermentation | fermentation | Gärung | fermentazione |
THE2770 | bourreau | executioner | Henker | carnefice |
THE2771 | peinture | painting | Malerei | pittura |
THE2772 | seau | bucket | Eimer | secchio |
THE2773 | dégoût | disgust | Ekel | disgusto |
THE2774 | cuisinier | cook | Koch | cuoco |
THE2775 | sel | salt | Salz | sale |
THE2776 | étage | floor | Boden | piano |
THE2777 | sucre | sugar | Zucker | zucchero |
THE2778 | avidité | greed | Gier | avidità |
THE2779 | tapis | carpet | Teppich | tappeto |
THE2780 | imitation | imitation | Nachahmung | imitazione |
THE2781 | paille | Straw | Stroh | paglia |
THE2782 | coffre | chest | Stamm | tronco |
THE2783 | chacal | jackal | Schakal | sciacallo |
THE2784 | bossu | hunchback | Bucklige | gobba |
THE2785 | Narcisse | Narcissus | Narzisse | narciso |
THE2786 | lâcheté | cowardice | Feigheit | vigliaccheria |
THE2787 | banc | bench | Bank | panca |
THE2788 | tuyau | pipe | Schlauch | tubo flessibile |
THE2789 | nid | nest | Nest | nido |
THE2790 | bélier | aries | Ramme | montone |
THE2791 | douceur | softness | Weichheit | morbidezza |
THE2794 | Brahma | Brahma | Brahman | Brahma |
THE2795 | hybride | hybrid | hybrid | ibrido |
THE2796 | continent | continent | Kontinent | continente |
THE2797 | tissage | weaving | Weberei | tessitura |
THE2798 | grand-père | grandfather | Großvater | nonno |
THE2799 | mangouste | mongoose | Mungo | mangusta |
THE2800 | machine | machine | Maschine | macchina |
THE2801 | vol | flight | Flug | volo |
THE2802 | Icare | Icarus | Icarus | Icarus |
THE2803 | pays | country | Land | paese |
THE2804 | virilité | virility | Männlichkeit | virilità |
THE2805 | charme | enchantment | Verzauberung | incanto |
THE2806 | veuf | widower | Witwer | vedovo |
THE2807 | saison | season | Saison | stagione |
THE2808 | toison | fleece | Vlies | vello |
THE2810 | professeur | professor | Professor | professore |
THE2811 | ambassadeur | ambassador | Botschafter | ambasciatore |
THE2812 | buffle | buffalo | Büffel | bufalo |
THE2813 | lionne | lioness | Löwin | leonessa |
THE2814 | organe | organ | Orgel | organo |
THE2815 | ongle | nail | Nagel | chiodo |
THE2816 | acupuncture | acupuncture | Akupunktur | agopuntura |
THE2819 | Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva |
THE2820 | arc-en-ciel | Rainbow | Regenbogen Himmel | cielo arcobaleno |
THE2821 | filiation | filiation | filiation | filiazione |
THE2822 | cruche | jug | Krug | brocca |
THE2823 | clairvoyance | perspicacity | Scharfblick | perspicacia |
THE2824 | rite | rite | Ritus | rito |
THE2825 | Bénares | Bénares | Benares | Benares |
THE2826 | hymne | anthem | Hymne | inno |
THE2827 | nirvanâ | nirvana | Nirwana | nirvana |
THE2828 | ogre | ogre | Menschenfresser | orco |
THE2829 | ogresse | ogress | Unmensch | orchessa |
THE2830 | machine volante | flying Machine | Flugmaschine | macchina volante |
THE2831 | aéroplane | airplane | Flugzeug | aeroplano |
THE2832 | cadeau | gift | Geschenk | regalo |
THE2833 | message | message | Botschaft | messaggio |
THE2834 | Balaam | Balaam | Bileam | Balaam |
THE2835 | sacrilège | sacrilege | Sakrilegium | sacrilegio |
THE2836 | grâce | grace | Gnade | grazia |
THE2837 | saignée | bloodletting | Aderlass | salasso |
THE2838 | mortification | mortification of the flesh | Kasteiung | mortificazione |
THE2839 | saint Barnabé | saint Barnabas | der heilige Barnabas | san Barnaba |
THE2840 | critique | criticism | Kritik | critica |
THE2841 | investiture | investiture | Investitur | investitura |
THE2842 | entrailles | guts | Eingeweide | viscere |
THE2845 | échecs | chess | Schach | scacchi |
THE2846 | Israélites | Israelites | Israeliten | Israelite |
THE2847 | scribe | scribe | Kopist | scriba |
THE2848 | fausse couche | miscarriage | Fehlgeburt | aborto spontaneo |
THE2849 | Goths | Goths | Goten | Goti |
THE2850 | banquet | banquet | Bankett | banchetto |
THE2851 | Paulin de Nole | Paulinus of Nola | Paulinus von Nola | Paolino di Nola |
THE2852 | Antioche | Antioch | Antiochien | Antiochia |
THE2853 | discours | speech | Rede | discorso |
THE2854 | Grégoire de Naziance | Gregory of Nazianzus | Gregor von Nazianz | Gregorio Nazianzeno |
THE2855 | Grégoire VII | Gregory VII | Gregor d. VII | Gregorio VII |
THE2856 | bégaiement | stuttering | Stottern | balbuzie |
THE2857 | permission | permission | Erlaubnis | permesso |
THE2858 | Vésuve | Vesuvius | Vesuv | Vesuvio |
THE2859 | disparition | disappearance | Verschwinden | scomparsa |
THE2860 | Milan | Milan | Mailand | Milano |
THE2861 | Cyrille de Jérusalem | Cyril of Jerusalem | Kyrill von Jerusalem | Cirillo di Gerusalemme |
THE2862 | étincelle | spark | Funke | scintilla |
THE2863 | Mont-Cassin | Monte Cassino | Montecassino | Montecassino |
THE2864 | encens | incense | Räucherwerk | incenso |
THE2865 | mâchoire | jaw | Kiefer | mascella |
THE2867 | hérisson | hedgehog | Igel | riccio |
THE2868 | conception | conception | Empfängnis | concepimento |
THE2869 | saleté | dirt | Schmutz | sporcizia |
THE2870 | hyène | hyena | Hyäne | iena |
THE2871 | panthère | panther | Panther | pantera |
THE2872 | haleine | breath | Atem | fiato |
THE2873 | salamandre | salamandra | Salamander | salamandra |
THE2874 | équinoxe | equinox | Äquinoktium | equinozio |
THE2875 | automne | autumn | Herbst | autunno |
THE2877 | huître | oyster | Auster | ostrica |
THE2878 | Babylone | Babylon | Babylon | Babilonia |
THE2879 | captif | captive | Gefangener | prigioniero |
THE2880 | antipape | antipope | Gegenpapst | antipapa |
THE2881 | Dioclétien | Diocletian | Diokletian | Diocleziano |
THE2882 | empire | empire | Reich | impero |
THE2883 | Asie | Asia | Asien | Asia |
THE2884 | Judée | Judea | Judäa | Giudea |
THE2885 | réponse | answer | Antwort | risposta |
THE2886 | Fabrice | Fabricius | Fabricius | Fabricio |
THE2887 | service | favor | Dienst | favore |
THE2888 | espion | spy | Kundschafter | spia |
THE2889 | dénonciation | denunciation | Anschuldigung | denuncia |
THE2890 | marraine | godmother | Patin | madrina |
THE2892 | Cléopâtre | Cleopatra | Kleopatra | Cleopatra |
THE2893 | Marc Antoine | Mark Antony | Marcus Antonius | Marco Antonio |
THE2894 | Sémiramis | Semiramis | Semiramis | Semiramide |
THE2895 | effondrement | collapse | Einsturz | crollo |
THE2897 | cellérier | cellarer | Zellerar | cellario |
THE2898 | persuasion | persuasion | Überzeugung | persuasione |
THE2899 | Israël | Israel | Israel | Israele |
THE2900 | castor | beaver | Biber | castoro |
THE2901 | descendant | descendent | Nachkomme | discendente |
THE2902 | gant | glove | Handschuh | guanto |
THE2903 | défaite | defeat | Niederlage | sconfitta |
THE2904 | exégèse | exegesis | Exegese | esegesi |
THE2905 | tache | stain | Fleck | macchia |
THE2906 | nain | dwarf | Zwerg | nano |
THE2907 | égorgement | throat-cutting | Halsschnitt | sgozzamento |
THE2908 | opinion | opinion | Meinung | opinione |
THE2909 | mode de vie | way of life | Lebenswandel | stile di vita |
THE2910 | oppression | oppression | Unterdrückung | oppressione |
THE2911 | ancêtre | ancestor | Vorfahre | antenato |
THE2912 | menace | threat | Bedrohung | minaccia |
THE2913 | agression | assault | Angriff | aggressione |
THE2914 | excès | excess | Übertreibung | eccesso |
THE2915 | neige | snow | Schnee | neve |
THE2916 | somnolence | somnolence | Schläfrigkeit | sonnolenza |
THE2917 | fumée | smoke | Rauch | fumo |
THE2920 | démission | resignation | Kündigung | dimissioni |
THE2921 | perte | lost | Verlust | perdita |
THE2922 | marché | market | Markt | mercato |
THE2925 | stûpa | stupa | Stupa | stupa |
THE2926 | habileté | skill | Geschicklichkeit | abilità |
THE2927 | astronome | astronomer | Astronom | astronomo |
THE2928 | Chine | China | China | Cina |
THE2929 | ||||
THE2930 | prosélytisme | proselytizing | Missionierung | proselitismo |
THE2931 | patronyme | patronymic | Patronymikon | patronimico |
THE2932 | vitesse | speed | Geschwindigkeit | velocità |
THE2933 | défi | challenge | Herausforderung | sfida |
THE2934 | connivence | connivance | Kollusion | collusione |
THE2935 | copiste | copyist | Nachahmer | copista |
THE2936 | tromperie | deception | Betrug | inganno |
THE2937 | chancellerie | chancellery | Kanzleramt | cancelleria |
THE2938 | luth | lute | Laut | liuto |
THE2939 | anthropomorphe | anthropomorphic | anthropomorphe | antropomorfo |
THE2940 | formule magique | magical formula | Magische Formel | Formula magica |
THE2941 | imprécation | imprecation | Verwünschung | imprecazione |
THE2942 | fantôme | ghost | Geist | fantasma |
THE2943 | spectre | spectrum | Spektrum | spettro |
THE2944 | tengu | tengu | tengu | tengu |
THE2945 | renarde | vixen | Füchsin | volpe femmina |
THE2946 | Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin |
THE2947 | crabe | crab | Krabbe | granchio |
THE2948 | séisme | earthquake | Erdbeben | sisma |
THE2949 | cerisier | Cherry tree | Kirsche | ciliegia |
THE2951 | assemblée | assembly | Versammlung | assemblea |
THE2952 | destin | fate | Schicksal | destino |
THE2953 | eschatologie | eschatology | eschatologie | escatologia |
THE2954 | casher | Kasher | Kasher | Kasher |
THE2955 | conflit | conflict | Konflikt | conflitto |
THE2956 | contraception | contraception | Empfängnisverhütung | contraccezione |
THE2957 | déchéance | degradation | Verfall | decadimento |
THE2958 | dénomination | denomination | Bezeichnung | denominazione |
THE2959 | dissection | dissection | Sezieren | dissezione |
THE2960 | ferveur | fervour | Inbrunst | fervore |
THE2961 | garant | guarantor | Bürge | garante |
THE2962 | impureté | impurity | Unreinheit | impurità |
THE2963 | interpretation | interpretation | interpretation | interpretazione |
THE2964 | maçon | mason | Maurer | muratore |
THE2965 | mauvais oeil | evil eye | böse Blick | maloccio |
THE2966 | méprise | mistake | Irrtum | errore |
THE2967 | savoir | knowledge | Wissen | sapere |
THE2968 | scolastique | scholastic | scholastik | scolastica |
THE2969 | sabbat | sabbath | sabbat | sabato |
THE2970 | transaction | transaction | Transaktion | transazione |
THE2971 | peine capitale | death penalty | Todesstrafe | pena capitale |
THE2972 | nécromancie | necromancy | Totenbeschwörung, | negromanzia |
THE2975 | Goths | Goths | Goten | Goti |
THE2976 | Huns | Huns | Hunnen | Unni |
THE2663 | Çakra | |||
THE2669 | çramana | |||
THE2675 | devas | |||
THE2681 | bhiksu | |||
THE2710 | devarâja | |||
THE2721 | kinnarî | |||
THE2817 | Bod | |||
THE2977 | gentillesse | kindness | Freundlichkeit | gentilezza |
THE2978 | serf | serf | Leibeigener | servo |
THE2980 | mal de tête | headache | Kopfschmerz | mal di testa |
THE2981 | bâtard | bastard | Bastrard | bastardo |
THE0007 | Femme | Woman | Weib | Weib |
THE2982 | Peuplement | Population | need trans | need trans |
THE2983 | Grenier à sel | Need trans | Need trans | Need trans |
THE2984 | Diplomatie | Diplomacy | Need trans | Need trans |
THE2985 | Région frontalière | Need trans | Need trans | Need trans |
THE2986 | Transport | Transport | Need trans | Need trans |
THE2987 | Lettre de change | Need trans | Need trans | Need trans |
THE2988 | sépulture | Need trans | Need trans | Need trans |
THE2989 | apprentissage | Need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2990 | habits | clothes | need trans | vestiti |
THE2991 | boutique | Need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2992 | Marque de marchand | need trans | need trans | Marca di mercante |
THE0003 | évêque | bishop | Bischof | vescovo |
THE2993 | courtier | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2994 | sauf-conduit | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2995 | péage | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2996 | Toussaint | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2997 | comte | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE2998 | Saint Pierre aux liens | need trans | need trans | San Pietro in Vincoli |
THE2999 | finance | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE3000 | Saint-Michel | need trans | need trans | need trans |
THE3001 | ||||
THE3002 | Gabelle | Salt Tax | Gabelle | Gabella |